" I told her that I can't go." Jisoo suddenly spoke.

Jennie turn to face her.

" Soojoo, I told her I couldn't go because I couldn't leave you alone"

" You..."

" I like you Jen. I still like you so much."

" The pain doesn't go away because you are too faraway and not close with me" Jisoo voice broke.

Jennie swallowed and blinked a few times, the tears drying up as if she regretted losing control. Her expression tightened as if all of her facial muscles were holding in her emotions and only just managing to contain them.

" You still owe me a favor, do you still remember??" Jennie ask.

" Yeah" Jisoo whisper.

" Please hate me..."

" You can do this.. think about all the time I hurt you" Jennie hold jisoo's face in her hand.

This might be the last time that she could held Jisoo close like this.

Jisoo shook her head as she gripped her hand on Jennie's, begging jennie not to let go, like the whole world is breaking crumble apart around her.

" No... please don't do this to me. I can't live without you jen... we can fix this.. please!.."

Jisoo spoke, it sounded like her voice was made of gravel. Her clear tone was undercut with a choking heaviness that forced her to pause several times.

" Promise is a promise. You said you will do anything I ask for." Jennie voice was heavy with shame, the same way her guilt weighed down upon her shoulders.

Jisoo watery eyes closed and a single tear, as clear as spring water flowed down her cheeks. Eventually she stopped trying and lowered his head in a quiet sob.

Jisoo slowly getting up from her seat and walk away mindlessly. She always hope that someday she will get Jennie back. But it's all just a dream, a sad dream and she's done with it.

" Ugh?? Jisoo??" Irene who come to visit jennie, shocked when she saw Jisoo walk out of the door.

Irene didn't get an answer from her, she quickly went to Jennie's room just to see her break down and hitting her chest nonstop.

" What are you doing Kim Jennie??" She tried to stop.

" She's gone ... I hate that look on her face... but there's nothing I could do.." huge tears welled in the corners of her eyes.

" Yes you can jen. It's just that you let your guilt take a control over it"

" I will go to UK as my parents wanted " Jennie said.

" Are you crazy??" Irene yelled.

" That's the only way that Jisoo will forget about me"

" You will fucking get marry to someone you don't love Jennie"

" That's my life"

Irene giving up on convinced Jennie.


" Jisoo let's go" seulgi say.

" You go first, I'm staying in a bit"

Seulgi look at her watch " okay but gym close in an hour. Make sure you leave before it"

" Uhhh, okay "

" ohhhh look who's here???"

" A loser now coming to a gym too?" Hanbin whistle.

Jisoo know he doesn't deserve any of her attention, so she just doing her work out and ignore hanbin remark.

" How's it feel to get my left over??"

" I bet she's easy right??"

" Did you sleep with her yet??? Damn Jennie is really good in bed" He said dreamily.

Jisoo can torturing with whatever insult he talk about her but not Jennie. She launch in and punch hanbin in the face making a boy stumble.

" Don't ever say her name with that filthy mouth of yours." Jisoo pointing and speak through her teeth.

Hanbin scoff and wipe a blood at the corner of his lip.

" Wae? You haven't sleep with her yet? Because she only use you right?" He get closer to provoke her.

Jisoo tighten her fist and about to punch hanbin again but Irene bets her. A petite girl slap hanbin hard that you could see her five fingers print on his cheek.

" You crazy wench." He shout.

" Yeah I'm crazy a wench and Don't mess with Jennie again or I make you go through hell you fucking bastard." Irene spit and dragged Jisoo along with her.

" Fuckkkk" Hanbin is furious.


" What's are you doing?" Jisoo snatch away from Irene hold.

" To tell you the truth"

Jisoo frowned " What's going on?"

" Let's go first" Irene said and walk ahead.

Jisoo is still confused but follow her anyway. They finally settle in a small bar near the gym and order a few drinks.

" Will you cut to a chase now?" Jisoo patient has reach its limit now.

Irene gulped down a shout of whisky.

" Do you remember you had a fight with hanbin before?" She ask.

" Yeah!! When he came grabbed my collar"

" No.. before that, the party"

" I didn't remember much. I only remember that he tried to harm someone and force her"

" That was jennie." Irene said.

" W.. what??" Jisoo stutter.

" He raped her Jisoo. He took a clip of her naked and threatened her to stay with him. He was his fiancé and she wanted to break up because she doesn't love him. It's an arrangement from her parents. When she tell her parents about this, they said it's only nature and he already her fiancé."

Jisoo lip tremble upon she hearing about this.

" That night, he tried to rape her again but luckily you found her and punish him. She fell in love with you since then Jisoo but she never get to show you her love because the next day hanbin come to her and threatened her to fool you. He wanted to revenge on you. If she's not doing that, he said he will spread that clip on internet" Irene tried to fight back her tears.

" She wanted to ask for forgiveness from you but she couldn't. She had been lied to you when you are the only person who always stay by her side. Guilt eat her up every single day. There's not a single day that she didn't cry."

" Why didn't she tell me??? Why she has to bear it all herself????"

" Waeee??? All this time I thought I was the one who hurt but she's going through the worse???"

" I should have been there but I walk away from her"

Jisoo eyes welling up with tears as guilt builds up inside her.

" She will go to UK after the graduation Jisoo"

" Huh?"

" That's what her parents wants. They want her to marry to their co-company family son."

" That's ridiculous"

" How could a parents do something like this to their own child??"

" That's up to you now Jisoo."

" I want you to help jennie about this and I know only you could change things" Irene say.

" I will. I will not let her go ever again this time"

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