Zoya somehow distracted Saachi from the incident that happened some time ago. Now both the girls sat in the bed and started binge watching Netflix. Because sleep was very far from their eyes. Two hours later they completed watching the Netflix and decided to sleep. They went to sleep.

Saachi and Zoya were sleeping soundly after a long day. But soon their sleep got disturbed by some voice humming a song. It was loud and clear. Both of them woke up listening to the sound. Both of them stared at eachother with scared expressions on their faces. They were sure that the sound is coming from the room which is locked. They both slowly without disturbing Aanchal and Maya's sleep made their way out. They both are sweating and breathing heavily because of fear. They reached out of the room from where the humming tune is coming from. Zoya came with the keys of the room so she started opening the door with her trembling hands. Saachi was behind her trembling in fear. As Zoya opened the room there was a complete silence in the room. There was no one in the room. So they decided to return because it was soo cold in the room.
After glancing in the room one last time Zoya locked the door. They were walking back to their room when they felt someone just passed behind them.
Zoya wasn't able to ignore it so grasping Saachi's hand tightly she ran to the living room. When they reached the living room they heard the same whistling tune from the bathroom again. Zoya ran into kitchen and grabbed a knife for their defence. Saachi came and stood beside Zoya. The whistling tune is coming from the backyard. So they decided to sneak a glance from the kitchen window towards the backyard. The scence infront of shocked both the girls. A shiver ran down their spines after witnessing the scene. They saw a shadow figure on the swing placed on the backyard. The shadow figure is swinging and whistling a tune. But suddenly it up from the swing and ran away in jet speed. Both of them are beyond shock to take any actions but after gaining their senses Zoya ran outside the kitchen and open the main door and made her way to the backyard as fastly as she can. Saachi ran behind Zoya because she can't leave her alone. Zoya don't know why the hell she ran outside. Zoya ran very fastly that it was very difficult for Saachi to keep up with the speed.

But when Saachi reached the backyard she saw that Zoya is staring at the library being completely horrified. Saachi slowly made her way and stared up at library's top floor only to get terrified. Saachi let out a earthshattering scream. Listening Saachi's scream everyone woke up and hurriedly ran outside to see what's wrong. Ishaan and Farhaan are running like their life is dependent on it. Everyone are running behind them.

Ishaan and Farhaan reached the backyard and we're shocked to witness the scene infront of them.
Zoya was still staring at the library's top floor in daze. Saachi knealt down on her knees crying with her eyes closed and she was covering her ears with her palms to stop hearing something.

Ishaan ran to Saachi and knealt before her and tightly hugged her. Saachi hugged Ishaan back tightly and started crying out in fear. Farhaan went to Zoya and hugged her tightly as well. Zoya couldn't hug him back because she was still in shock . Farhaan broke the guy and gently cupped Zoya's face and made her look at him. After watching Farhaan she burst out crying. Ishaan and Farhaan just hugged their girls tight to comfort them.

After some time both stopped crying. Zain gave a water bottle to Ishaan to make Saachi drink some water. Ishaan made Saachi drink some water and passed the bottle to Farhaan. Farhaan made Zoya drink water as well. Ishaan and Farhaan are sitting on the grass taking their girls in their arms to give them comfort. After sometime both the girls calm down. Zoya and Saachi stared at eachother to make sure they are alright.

Before boys could ask anything, Saachi and Zoya signalled everyone to look at library's top floor. Everyone saw there but there was nothing. Seeing the confusion in everyone's eyes they looked back at library's top floor they got shocked on finding no one.

KhwabeedaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora