Chapter Seventy-Two - Epilogue

Start from the beginning

    "Wassup Graysons!!" he shouts, covering his mouth with his hands.

    From the back of the house, I can hear my children shouting with excitement that their Uncle Gar and everyone else are finally here. "You better get back there," I tell the shapeshifter, before pushing him in the back and forcing him down the hallway.

    "Oh, Merry Christmas, Amber!"

    I return my gaze to the doorway to see Kory and Rachel still standing there happily. With a nudge of my head and a raise of my eyebrows, they enter the house and I lean forward to shut the door behind them.

    "Merry Christmas," Rachel greets with a broad smile on her face.

    I nod to them both and Kory pulls us into my second embrace in the past few minutes. "Merry—Christmas," I croak, rapidly losing air as Kory crushes my lungs and ribcage. Luckily, she works out through my words that I'm struggling to speak, let alone breathe, and lets me go before I pass out in her arms. "Do you guys want to come inside?"

    The two ladies nod and I gesture for them to go ahead of me, taking the rear as they enter the main space. My gaze flits between the small groups already forming with a smile on my face at how sweet the Titans are with our kids.

    Gar leans down to high five my daughter with a broad smile on his face. "'Sup, T?"

    "'Sup, Gar?" she mocks.

    "Hey, it's Uncle " —Gar begins, pausing to emphasise his title as he puffs his chest out— "Gar to you."

    My daughter pauses for a second before shaking her head and wrapping the shapeshifter in a long hug. He pauses, forgetting how to function for a second before returning the gesture. From afar, Raven snorts at the man's awkwardness—one thing time has not washed away—and Kory giggles from beside her.

    Dick's since stood up and he and Vic talk to my son, whose eyes have lit up as he points to the various gifts he received from Santa this year. From across the room, he spots me and begins to wave frantically.

    "Mummy! Mummy! Come see what I got!"

     I oblige, making my way over as the boy gestures to a transparent bag. "What did you get, Jack? Did Santa do a good job this year?"

    As I say this, I turn and shoot Dick a sideways glance. Just as our children have their fun unwrapping the presents they receive each year, the two of us alternate which of us buys for which child. Aside from making it an even job, it serves as a pretty extreme competition between the two of us.

    This year I bought Jack's presents, meaning Dick has no idea what the boy got. And I can't wait for him to find out.


    "What was your favourite present?"

    A broad grin envelopes the boy's face. "Oh! Oh!" he calls out. "This one!"

    He holds up a transparent bag and unzips it, allowing the brightly coloured clothes inside to spill out onto the floor. Instantly, he bends down and pulls a yellow and black cape from the pile, throwing it around his neck and holding it there as he moves over to me.

    As I tie it around him, he shouts, "Uncle Vic! Uncle Vic!"

    Despite being not a meter from Jack, Vic makes a big deal of turning around and focusing his attention on him. "Yeah, man?"

    Jack's eyes light up with fascination. "Do you know Robin?"

    Vic looks up at me, and I nod to him. Though our children know about the other Titans' secret identities—hiding a green shapeshifter and a robotic man was always going to be an impossible task—Dick and I haven't told them about us, and they're too young yet to work out who Rachel and Kory are. We don't doubt they'll work it all out eventually, but we've discussed many times that we want them to be safe, normal kids for as long as possible

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