Part 3 ( Draco's Empire )

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"Seriously!? We have to go to his Empire next! You know we don't like each other, he's practically my Rival!"

Funneh said as Gold responded while putting her hand on Funneh's shoulder

" I know you both were, well... not so nice to each other but Draco's the closest empire beside mine so we might as well go there. "

" Fine... "

Funneh responded while Gold takes her hand off Funneh's shoulder.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy reading this part cause' it's time to see Draco's empire! Hope you enjoy Funneh and Draco arguing to each other :D 

Draco's empire is the fire empire quite similar from the light empire since it's also quite hot there too but in Draco's empire his light is fire.

If you don't understand, Gold get's her light from the sun while Draco makes his own light which is Fire!

Anyway no more explaining, Hope you enjoy!

Funneh and Gold arrived at the one and only... Twerking kingdom

Just kidding! it was the Fire empire.

It would be funny if it was called twerking kingdom, I feel like that would be something that canon Draco would do.

Funneh and Gold then got off their ride and started walking there, they were met with... Draco! Who else could it be? 


Funneh: Hello, Brother.

Draco: Hello, Sister.

Gold: Which sister?

Draco: I'm talking to Funneh, Gold-

Gold: oH-

* Insert silence and crickets *

Funneh: Anyways, before we got interrupted, We need your help to defeat a-

Draco: A evil being blah blah blah all that stuff.

Funneh: Why do people keep interrupting these days-

Draco: Mom told me everything so I don't need you to explain it. Besides I am the best empire out of all of yours.

Funneh: Oh please! Mom told me that there was a spider at your room and you literally brought the guards to your room! Your just a scaredy cat!

Draco: At least I'm not the one who can't even control her own powers when she got her empire, you literally froze 5 houses!

Gold: Guys-

Funneh: At least I'm not the one who would rather embarrass himself than eat fish! 

Draco: I ate that fish at the dinner table!

Funneh: Yeah, But you puked on someone! Haha, when Mom told that to me I laughed all day just thinking about it!

Draco: Mom always has her eyes on us and tells everyone, that is so not fair!

Gold: Guys! We have more important things to do than just stand here and argue like when we were kids! we have empires now and were definitely not kids! So can we just fix this rivalry and talk this out!?


Everyone went completely silent and no one spoke a word considering what just happened a second ago.

Their bracelets started to fade and still, no one said a word

Their silence was like thunder and every one of them wanted someone to break this awkward silence and talk this out but no one did.

A kid was running and accidently hit Draco, Draco was surprised and looked behind him, it was Draco junior!

( Hehe, yes I have put the one and only Draco junior I'm just putting random people at this point- )


Draco: Oh, hey Draco junior

Draco Junior: Heya!

Gold: Wha-


Draco: Well, Yea-


Draco: I couldn't think of any other name-

Also he's Draco Junior  there's a difference between that, also Gold, I don't just have one kid.

Gold and Funneh: What?


Draco gave Funneh and Gold a tour around his empire, and it had a quite ridiculous rule

"' Do not give King Draco Twerking a piece of fish or he will sue you '

huh, I thought Gold was the sue queen here. also what's wrong with fish? and do you have to be that dramatic and sue the person?" 

Funneh said

" He is the youngest sibling after all, what else would you expect the first rule to be? he's quite the troublemaker also you, when we were kids you and Draco were the ultimate troublemakers, you and Draco make a great duo but your both rivals to each other. Also I'm the only sue queen in this world"

Gold responded.
As she pointed at her crown saying that she's the only one that can sue in this place.

Well she's sassy what else was I gonna put in this part?

After the tour they were at the castle and when they opened the doors they were so many kids and when I mean so many I really mean many many kids 


Draco junior: Look everyone! there's Dad! ( pff- I can't think of something the Draco juniors would call Draco- )

Funneh: Why are there so many kids? and don't tell me their all named Draco junior.

Draco: Couldn't think of a better name, also hey kids.

Gold: Oh man- I thought Draco would at least have just 2 more kids-

Funneh: Why does everyone have kids.


The Draco juniors came running to the three and just well, hugged them.

After that, Draco told them to go play in the garden. while the three are left alone to chat.

The three then did something that would always cheer them up when they were kids, which was watching some youtube and playing gamezzz

( Yes, there's internet in this world don't ask )

When playing Gold got a call from Melody so she had to stop playing for just a while

Now it was just Funneh and Draco.

also if you ship them I am gonna- well- I CAN'T EXPLAIN WHAT I'LL DO OKAY, IT'S JUST WEIRD IF YOU SHIP SIBLINGS


Draco: Sooo... How have you been?

Funneh: Pretty good. you?

Draco: I'm fine. 

* Insert more silence and crickets chirping *

Funneh: Anyways-

Why do you have so many kids? do you have a wife or something-

Draco: What? No. I practically adopted them and called all of them Draco junior

Funneh: What about the girls?

Draco: I guess they could be called Draca junior

Funneh: oH-

Well, that's interesting.

*  Insert more silence but no crickets just keyboard clicking thing- *

Draco: Do you have any kids?

Funneh: No, but Gold has a kid

Draco: Really?

Funneh: More like a friend, but she's quite young.

Draco: What about her parents?

Funneh: Her parents didn't really care, it's like they wanted her to go.

They still come occasionally but all they do is say hi and chat then they just leave.

Draco: Hm... I was thinking of giving the Draco/Draca juniors an actual name, but they are way too many.

Funneh: Last time I counted you had more than 16 kids it's a lot but maybe you could put an ID on them and it would have it's name on it. Problem solved!

Draco: Do you really want that? What if the kids feel like their not cared since I can't even remember their own names.

Funneh: You do care for them right?

Draco: Of course I do, that's the reason I adopted them.

Funneh: I feel like that's something you wouldn't say...


( Their playing among us lol ) 

Draco: I hate you allll-

Funneh: Yes! I won! Woohoo!

Draco: I had lots of fun today.

Funneh: Same! Thanks for letting me play on your 5th pc. you sure do have a lot.

Draco: I got 5 since, I thought that maybe one day. We would all meet each other and play all day. Just like we used too when we were little.

Funneh: I know that'll happen once were done with all this. 

Draco: Promise?

Funneh: I promise.


Both of their bracelets started to shined as well as Gold's.

But wait, where's Gold?

And also, why is there a weird shining light behind the door of the room?

It was Gold! She was done taking a call with Melody/Harmony. And she has been watching them from the very start!


Gold: Seems like the two of you solved things out right?

Draco and Funneh: Were still rivals either way.

Gold: Oh man, I guess they'll never stop being enemies.


Both of them laughed as their bracelets shined even brighter,

The green part of the bracelet shined and now they got Draco! 

Funneh then asked Draco if he could come with them, Draco agreed and all of them left in the morning

But wait! Draco made some names for the kids and kind of memorized it?


Draco: Bye Carol! Bye Liam! Bye Noah! uhhh Bye uhm...

Funneh: It's Austin.

Draco: Bye Austin! Phew, those were the last kids.

Gold: We ready to go now?

Draco and Funneh: Yup!

Gold: Alright, Time to go to Rainbow's Empire!

End Of Part 3

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