2- How to evade arrest and train to fight heroes

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Philza sighed.

It was the seventh day of the investigation, and they had nothing. For how bold the kid was, he was a stealthy one (after all the screaming).

Phil couldn't help but feel bad. The kid looked homeless, or at least close to homeless. He found Wilbur and Techno while they were out on the streets alone, and he had the exact same feeling now that he did when he found them.

He wanted to find the kid and give him a decent home.

He looked closer at the picture they had. It was a blurry image, taken from a security camera, and it showed the boy jumping from building to building with the jump boost shoes.

Any leads they were given had ended in dead ends. He went down an alley, and never came out. They searched the entire alley, every nook and cranny, but the boy just disappeared.

Wilbur and Techno walked into his office, giving tired greetings and sitting down on the floor.

"What do you need, boys?" Philza asked, still looking at the picture.

"The police can't find the kid." Techno started.

"I am aware."

Wilbur continued for Technoblade, "Sooo, what if we get the hounds to find him on our own, that way you can do all your dad stuff without any rules in the way? I'm sure Squid wouldn't mind." Wilbur suggested.

"Firstly, I am not trying do my 'dad stuff' to the kid,"

Wilbur and Techno shot eachother a look.

"Secondly, we can't use the hounds, we don't have anything with the boy's scent." He explained.

"We have the mask he was wearing." Techno said.

Philza got up.

"Boys, I commend your two working brian cells. Techno, call Squid."

An hour later they were geared up and ready to find the kid.

Just as they were about to leave, they got a call.

"What the fuck could you possibly need us for?" Wilbur asked, "Okay, get someone else on it. Who- Vigilantes? Who the fuck- okay okay fine. Jesus christ."

Philza couldn't hear the other end of the call, but he had a pretty good idea of what wilbur was going to say.

"Quackity called us to work. There's a robbery downtown, and some new vigilantes are trying to take care of it. Without a hero license. We need to go arrest all of them."

Philza sighed, "We can look for the boy later, he's not gonna disappear if we wait an extra hour. Probably."

The twins groaned.

Philza grabbed both boys by their collars, spread his wings, and took off.


They landed under the balcony of a building, overlooking the battle in front of them while remaining hidden.

There were three vigilantes, all with masks covering their faces.

The first one was the shortest. His face was covered with a gas mask, the type that only covers the bottom half of your face, and it had nuclear radiation symbols on the filters. Brown hair covered his eyes, but when he moved, toxic yellow eyes and a large burn scar, stretching to his neck were both revealed underneath, his pupils looked a bit misshapen, but it was hard to tell from where they were. He seemed to be fighting with explosives shaped like.. bees.

The second one was the tallest of the group. His mask was a simple face mask, like the ones worn in hospitals, but it was fabric. It was half black and half white, like his hair.  His eyes glowed a bright purple. He looked to be fighting using powers, but not his. It looked like he was using other people's powers. Copying them.

A Guide To Vigilante-ism By Tommyinnit (edited)Where stories live. Discover now