1- How to not get killed by superheroes or your bestfriend

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He ran.

He ran as fast as he possibly could. He ran on all fours, as it was faster than running on just his legs. He turned a corner, into an alley.

The heroes were getting closer, he could hear their heavy boots behind him.

"Hey! We're not gonna hurt you" One of the heroes, one with a deep voice lied.

He took another turn, a dead end.


He turned around, and the heroes turned the corner as well. He pulled his bag closer and adjusted his mask.

One of the heroes stepped forward. The Angel Of Death

"Hey mate. We aren't gonna hurt you, we just want to talk to you." The Angel's voice was gentle as he slowly stepped closer, "What's your name?"

"Tommy." He said quietly, striped tail, caked in so much mud it looked more brown than blonde, lashing behind him.

"We need the stuff you stole back, then we're gonna take you somewhere safe, alright? Get it out of the bag."

Tommy nodded, and started digging in his bag.

The Angel turned to the heroes behind him, "See? That wasn't so bad. He's just a kid, it-"

He stopped, collapsing onto the ground.

Another hero, with curly brown hair shouted something and crouched beside him, the other hero who was still standing turned to Tommy.

The hero stood tall and well built, with pink hair braided tightly, his face was covered with a mask, as it always was.

Tommy hissed, baring his claws.

"Alright kid, we didn't want to do this, but we have to now." The Blood God explained calmly, walking closer.

"I'm not a fucking kid." Tommy growled, backing away.

Of course his comm had decided to break at this exact moment! Can't have shit here.

The Blood God lunged, too fast for Tommy to get away. He pinned Tommy under him, pulling his tranquilizer gun away from him and pinning his hands to his back. Tommy struggled, it did nothing, but he tried.

The Blood God leaned down and reached for his mask.

Tommy screamed, as loud as he possibly could.

The Blood God sighed, "You're only making this harder, kid." He started untying Tommy's mask.

Tommy screamed louder and struggled harder, he knew he couldn't get away on his own, but he might be able to attract enough attention to get the hero off of him. Even through all his struggling and screaming, The Blood God pulled off his mask easily, revealing the face underneath.

The Blood God tensed for a moment, "Spirit, come here." The other hero walked over, "Holy shit. He really is just a kid."

They talked as if Tommy wasn't there. Tommy hates when adults do that.

"I'm not a fucking kid." He snarled.

Spirit looked down, reaching out a hand to cup Tommy's cheek, "It's alright, you're safe with us- Holy shit!"

Tommy bit his hand, drawing blue blood easily with his sharp teeth.

Spirit pulled his hand away quickly. Spirit took something from The Blood God, his cape. Spirit sighed, "Sorry kid."

He wrapped the cape around Tommy's head, not suffocating him, but making sure he couldn't bite.

The Blood God tightened the cape around Tommy's head, "We need to bring him down to the station. He might be a kid, but he's still a thief that assaulted heroes." Spirit  said, picking Tommy up, ignoring all of Tommy's struggling and screaming.

A Guide To Vigilante-ism By Tommyinnit (edited)Where stories live. Discover now