Uncle Ben's lips twitched, and he raised an eyebrow. "I meant physically."

I snorted again. "Oh, well, yeah. I'm fine then."

He chuckled and shook his head at me, but my eyes were drawn to Julian when I heard him mumble under his breath.

"Well, now it makes more sense."

"What does?" I asked him curiously.

"Why you destroyed the kitchen twice in the last couple of weeks. I haven't seen you lose control in years except-..." he trailed off, his eyes becoming haunted, and I knew his mind had gone back to the night our parents died.

I grunted, nodding. "Hey, I blew up some glass and started a small fire. The house is still standing, and no one is dead. Considering everything going on, I'm calling it a win." I shrugged, using humor to drag him back from his memories.

I turned to face Lawrence to find the whole group watching me with wide eyes, varying degrees of shock on their faces. I nodded towards the guy Lawrence was holding up, who seemed to be getting weaker by the second.

"Put him on the couch," I stated, gesturing towards the living room.

Once he was laid out on the couch, I squatted beside it to look at him. "What's your name?"

"Craig," he said weakly. "Do you think you can save me?" He was clearly still holding onto hope despite Micah's words back at the clearing.

I shook my head sadly in response. "If I couldn't heal the bite, there's nothing I can do to save you."

He sighed and tried to nod his head, only managing a slight jerk of his chin. "Why did you bring me here then?"

"Well, I might be able to make it a little easier for you, but mostly I don't know if any of the wolves or witches will show up at the Haltermans' house." My eyes swept the room, meeting each pair of eyes. "I think it's probably best if everyone crashes here tonight. They won't come here."

I knew that in my bones. Sara might be hateful and reckless, but she wasn't stupid. She had done what she had tonight because she didn't expect me to be there. She would never come at me head-on.

Everett and Cal nodded while Annie clung to Cal's side, looking a little traumatized. Lawrence just stared at his friend on the couch, and Lizzie leaned against the wall, not paying attention to any of us.

I glanced Uncle Ben's way to make sure he wasn't upset by my decision, but he just shrugged carelessly. "It's technically your house, Ari, and I'm way out of my depth here. I'm just here if you need me."

I shot him a grateful look before turning my focus back to the guy on the couch that looked to be just a teenage boy. His hair and skin were glistening with sweat, and he shivered slightly.

"You said you can make it easier?" A moan escaped his lips along with his breathless question.

"I can take the pain away," I said gently.



Uncle Ben and Julian spoke in the same moment as soon as the words left my mouth, but I shot them a look, making them both snap their mouths shut. My sad eyes turned back to Craig. "You will still die, but it'll be painless... peaceful."

Again, his head jerked in a heartbreaking attempt at a nod. Taking a deep breath, I only hesitated for a second. I owed him this much. I placed my hands on either side of his head and focused on what I wanted to do.

In the exact moment that he released a sigh of relief and his muscles relaxed into the couch, I released a small grunt through gritted teeth. "Everybody leave. I doubt he wants an audience," I whispered.

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