I could tell that Shoto was hesitating to open the door into the 'family meeting room' which he called it since his hands were shaky. So without hesitating I built up the courage to open the door myself. With one swish of the door opened and all eyes were on us. "It's very rare for you to call a family meeting" A raspy voice said that I could recognise from anywhere. "And who are you young man?" He asked me. My. mind. went. blank....I never thought that in my entire life I'd ever meet the N0.1 hero while be pregnant with his son's child. I panicked and quickly said "I-I-I'm-" before I could even finish speaking, Todoroki pulled me to his side with his hand around my waist saying "He's my mate and...he's also bearing my child".

As soon as he said that the room went silent and his family's attention turned to me in shock and Shoto's Dad started examining me to see if I was fit for the 'role' (like be his mate) which made me a bit annoyed. "I feel like I've seen you before young boy...Ah I see, your the boy that won the sports festival wasn't it? I have to say that your quirks very powerful and your strong physically including mentally. You're a very good role model for my son, I would have never expected you to be a...you know....an omega" Icy hots father said. I wouldn't say it but it showed clearly on my face that I knew that he was openly insulting me by making it seem like an embarrassment to be an omega. Before I could even start a fight a girl with white hair and stripes of red came up to me and whispered in my ear "Our father is not in his right mind as you can see so please let this insult go since it is the first time our family has come together in a long time and I don't want it to end so quickly, oh and congratulations for the baby It's been a long time since I've seen genuine love and happiness in my brothers eyes" she smiled at the end of her sentence and bowed down to me before taking her seat again. I smiled back at her while forcing Todoroki to sit down since he was being stubborn to the point where he wouldn't even step foot inside the room where his father was. At this point he looked like an annoyed dog mad at his owner and not to my surprise he didn't leave my side at all.

Todoroki's sibling decided to introduce themselves to us one by one (excluding Toya) and congratulate us for the baby, they also said that they'd support us in any way that they can. All of a sudden the maids came in and brought in food. I got along with Shoto's sibling very well and we had a good time talking to each other while eating. We decided to ignore the glaring competition going on between Todoroki and his father and time passed pretty quick. It was time to go and we said our goodbyes, I could tell Shoto was feeling relieved to leave that building and I'd be relieved to if I was in that situation. I overheard his and Deku's conversation at the sports festival about his abusive family and that he didn't receive any love from them at all. I never thought that I'd be the one to supply him with all that love and comfort he lost as a child. I promised myself that I will cherish him with all my heart and happily enjoyed my way back home with Shoto by my side.


"Hey wake up you idiot..." I heard Todoroki say as he carried me out of the car. "I'm awake, im awake.... and who are u calling a fucking idiot you idiot?" I said drowsily as I rummaged in my pocket for the key. "Ah don't worry about your key Katsuki..." he said "And why not icy hot?" I answered back tired and grumpy. "Well if u didn't notice we're actually not at your house right now" he answered "Of course I noticed, I don't live in a rich apartment like this" I said back while looking at the large building in front of us. "Haha it's not that big, I just bought it since it's closer to school and I don't have to deal with my family." He said while putting me down.

[Im guessing the abuse and isolation he got from his family was so bad that he wanted to distance himself from them this much...] I thought to myself as we walked into the elevator. Todoroki pressed the top floor button and we arrived at the top in a short amount of time. The elevator doors opened and I was shocked to see that he owned all of the top floor. "It's not much but please make yourself comfortable" he said smiling at the end of his sentence.

Time passed quickly while we watched movies  in the dark and ate food while lying down on the coach in blankets. It was nice spending time with him like this since I was moving around so much today that I was relieved to just finally rest. I felt like I was gaining a lot of weight and getting tired really quickly due to my pregnancy but I quickly took my mind of all of that and enjoyed the movie. I finished the pile of sweets and bowl of popcorn in less than 5 minutes not waiting to order Todoroki to go get me some more food. I wasn't surprised to see that he got me cold soba since it is his favourite dish and to be honest I really enjoyed it and I'm sure our baby did to.

I fell asleep on Shoto but before I could even acknowledge that fact I was brought to the bed with Shoto next to me. I snuggled up in his arms comfortably and dozed of due to the amount of exhaustion I was feeling.
He stroked my back and I dozed of into a peaceful sleep. I hope this moment can last forever....
Sorry for the long break I was dealing with school. Hope you enjoyed this chapter see you next time.

~Missing you~(todobaku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ