Happy Birthday George!

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Jen's pov:
I walk downstairs in my pjs while looking out for Amal as I have a question I've had in my head that makes me stay awake.

Jen: Hi Amal!

Amal: Hi Jen! Everything good it's late you should sleep.

Jen: So should you. But I have a question about the party tomorrow.

Amal: Haha, well okay go on.

Jen: It's nothing really but how many people are coming?

Amal: Uhh, I think about 50 it's nothing super big just close friends.

Jen: Okay thank you, I asked George earlier and he didn't answer me so I thought you might, that's all.

Amal: Well he loves to do that so your not the first one.

Jen: Haha, so typical. Well imma go back to sleep now when I know how many are coming.

I walk back up the stairs and when I pass Brads door I see its open so I carefully knock to see if it's okay to come in.


Brad goes over to the door and opens it so we stand face to face.

Jen: Hi.

Brad: Hi? What are you doing up this late?

Jen: Umm I was just asking Amal about a thing.

Brad: Aa okay, well what are you doing here then?

Jen: Well I came here to ask you if you could do me a favor?

Brad: Yea sure, but why me?

Jen: Cuz I know you're good at it.

Brad: Okay well come inside and I'll help you.

Jen: Well you don't have to but I have a weird thing on my back and I know you're good at removing stuff like that so could you help me?

Brad: Sure let me just get some stuff then.

I remove my pj top and lay down with my back towards the ceiling. When Brad comes back he sits down on the bed besides me and starts looking over the weird spot on my back.

Brad: Well it doesn't look like something bad so I'll just remove it. Just tell me if it hurts okay?

Jen: Okay.

He takes the tweezers and starts to remove it from my back slowly and carefully, it doesn't hurt so I fall asleep because I'm so tired.

Brad's pov:
When I'm done removing it I try to tell Jen it's done but she doesn't respond so I look over and see she's asleep witch is the cutest thing ever.
I stand up and put the covers over her so she doesn't get cold, and dim the lights. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep and I can't help but stop looking at her blonde hair and blue eyes.
After a while I walk over to one of the couches and lay down soon falling asleep.

Next day (Jen's pov)
I woke up by Brad mumbling something to me from the other side of the room that I couldn't hear.

Jen: What? I say with a sleepy voice.

Brad: Just one sec please hold. Oh, I'm so sorry I woke you. I really didn't mean to speak so loud, sorry.

Jen: No it's okay I have to get up anyway. I say slightly laughing.

I take the covers and wrap it around me as I'm not wearing a top. I walk over to one of the chairs and pick up my pj top and bring it in with me to the bathroom. When I'm inside I let the covers down and I put my top on instead, then I wash my face with some cold water to stay awake.

Brennifer - Once again Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt