Gab chuckled and rubbed the toddler's cheeks which were now soft and a little chubby . " Our Little Rose has always been a sensible child . She won't get angry at her big brothers . Right? Rosie? "

" En! " Rose nodded in agreement but is still wiping her wet face .

She looks so cute that Gab suddenly felt an impulse to bully her but decided not to . His heart will break if this little toddler cries again .

The ox cart exited the Willow Village carrying sacks of grains . They passed by several villages first before arriving at the town . Compared to the villages which were mostly surrounded with paddy fields and other kinds of soil . The town was different , it has a muddy wall around it and their houses were also better than the villagers' houses in the village . Most of the well off normal town people has brick roofs and houses built in a wattle and daubed construction method .

The town looks like a typical medieval town in games or comics . Still , the quality of the town was still inferior to that of hand drawn .

Ryan , Gab and Rose parked their ox cart in front of a rice shop . Ryan stepped down and went inside the Rice Shop . Rose also followed him while Gab remained to guard the rices .

When Ryan and Rose entered the shop , the shop manager enthusiastically welcomed them inside . " Ryan , long time no see . I heard that you're already married? "

Ryan awkwardly nodded and responded . " Yes "

The Manager was already accostumed to the man's short responses and didn't felt offended. 

" Congratulations ."

A small smile then surfaced upon his lips when he heard the congratulatory of the Manager . Manager Jimmy immediately ordered the shop assistant to bring them some tea and smiled at Ryan . Then he suddenly saw a little girl sitting beside Ryan staring at him with bright eyes .

Jimmy was taken aback then slowly smiled . " Hello there , little girl . "

" Hello , uncle . "

Jimmy's mouth twitched when he heard her address . He seriously pondered wether he really looked old to be called uncle already .

" Hello , Brother . " Changed Rose and smiled cheekily .

Jimmy arc up his brows when he noticed the little girl's playful smile . Well , it seems that she was deliberately calling him that to see his reaction .

Jimmy smiled at her then extended his hand to give her a small chocolate wrapped in an exquisite linen sachet bag . Rose curiously recieved it and opened the linen sachet . Then she saw a round chocolate inside . She's not unfamiliar with this , because she had eaten this last week . She recalled that her brother summoned a pack of chocolates out of nowhere and gifted it to her , brother even said to share it with her friends . The taste was so sweet that she couldn't even forgot that taste .

Rose immediately popped the chocolate into her mouth and chewed on it , but then she frowned . " Brother , it's bitter . " Not sweet at all! Unlike my brother's chocolates .

Jimmy was taken aback when he heard the the little girl's response . He expected her to exclaim in delight that it tasted delicious yet he didn't expect to get a completely different response .

" How come? Don't you know that this is the most popular dessert in the capital city these days? Most noble ladies were fond of this chocolate you said to be bitter , you know.  "

Rose tilted her head and pouted . " My brother's chocolate were one hundred times more better than this . Yours was lacking sugar . "

" !!!! " Jimmy widened his eyes like saucers in shock . " What did you say? Your brother has chocolates? Is your brother from the capital? "

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