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Brooke's POV

In my first college composition course, we were all taught about the elements of a short story. It had to a beginning, a middle and an end; a conflict; at least one character who played importance in the plot; relationships, which often grow and change; and finally, some sort of denouemnent. 

As time wore on, I began to think of that one year as a short story that took place at a critical point in my life. It definitely had a beginning and a middle. And the conflict was paramount. My story had not just one character, no, not just myself, but a whole cast. And the relationships with which I'd begun, by the end were nearly unrecognizable. My relationship with Kate, my relationship with Chelsea, and most importantly, my relationship with myself. I'd learned how to be strong. I'd learned how to be fair to myself. I'd become a different person in the course of my short story, and however trite the assumption, I truly believe I changed for love.

The story's denouement came, I think, in the form of time passing. Just over a month later, it was Chelsea's eighteenth birthday. She celebrated with her friends, naturally, but the following night she celebrated with me. We weren't just celebrating another year completed, of course, but the legitimization of what had been a long time coming. We were celebrating the ultimate detente, and a long-awaited end point, but even moreso, we were celebrating a beginning. In that way, I wasn't sure my story really ended, but rather, crossed paths with the story of someone else. That was invaluable. The idea that a life could touch another in such a poignant way as to create a new story was one that truly humbled and amazed me, simultaneously.

I think I asked Chelsea about a hundred times if she was sure I was what she wanted. Because I knew that what wanted was stability and commitment, and the older she got, and the longer we were together, the more I longed for it. Chelsea always assured me that I was the only one she wanted to be with, and that even though she was young, she was devoted to the idea of a serious relationship as well. To hear that felt amazing. I knew that she was all I needed, and to know that she wanted to be with me put an entirely new feeling in my heart.

I don't think either of us knew what would happen to us. Though it usually went unsaid, I fostered a lot of uncertainty and I'm sure hers was double. High school is, in a word, confusing, and I can't imagine such a complicated relationship on top of it. There was still the threat of maintaining a level of secrecy until her graduation. Then, there was college for her. Her life was changing as mine began to settle. I didn't know what a future with her would bring, but all I could do was hope that when the relationship surprised me, it would dazzle me. The way it always had with her. The way I loved it. The way I loved her.

The end.

A/N: Aw, it's over! Bittersweet hahahah. I hope it's wrapped up enough for you all. I was debating over a finite ending or a more open one, but I settled on one that left a lot to the imagination. With nothing set in stone, you can think what you want.

super huge shoutout to everyone who supported this story. All the comments, votes, reads, messages, etc, made me proud like you guys wouldn't believe. I didn't expect this to get as much traffic as it did, and with every comment my days got a bit brighter. Honestly. You're all too sweet.

I couldn't finish this without plugging my next story, so enjoy this shameful self-promotion: My next story is already underway. (: It's called Love Songs. It's a very different route from DLS, but it's another gxg romance, and I'm loving it so far. Super fun to write. And I would absoluely love it if you all checked it out!

So again, thank you. I completely adored writing this. And I adore all of you.

Much love, until next time. (:

- Railene


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