The Birthday Party

12 0 0

July 14, 2012

Currently you were at your best friend's birthday party. They planned on having it at the local family diner. You were so happy to be invited after not doing much of anything over your summer break, so this was fun. 

Their mother clapped her hands 3 times to get everyone's attention, "Okay, children! The cake will be here in 10 minutes! Come back then, okay?" 

"Okay!!!" Everyone replied. 

"So go play until then!" She said.

You ran along with the other kids but followed behind your friend. Once you both got to the hamster wheel, they turned to you and handed you a shiny gold coin. "Go on!" They exclaimed in excitement, stepping to the side so you can get in. You smiled and took the coin then inserted it in the coin slot. You got in then started moving your legs and arms to get the wheel running. It was a bit hard at first, as the wheel was pretty big, and you just hopped on. Once you kept the rhythm it got faster and faster. "Whoa! Look at how fast I'm going!" You exclaimed, looking over at your friend. They laughed at how fast you were going in the wheel. 

After a good minute the wheel had stopped, so you had got off and gave your friend a turn. Before they got on you had fixed their gold, paper crown that was about to fall off of their head. They giggled, "Thank you!" They got in the wheel and started doing the same thing you did when you first got on. You smiled and watched as your friend had so much fun running on the wheel.

After playing games to kill some time before the cake came, you guys went to the counter to redeem the tickets you've earned from winning the games. You looked at the wall, trying to make a decision of what toy you wanted. You spotted an inflatable green dragon that was for 1,000 tickets. You looked down at your tickets then back up at the dragon. Without another thought you gave the cashier your tickets, in exchange they gave you the dragon. You gave the dragon a gentle hug, careful not to pop it. You looked over at your friend, "What did you get?" You asked. "Lets go back to the party table and I'll show ya there!" They replied, "Only if you can beat me in a race!" They giggled as they sped off. "Hey!! Not fair, I didn't get a head start!" You shouted as you ran after them.

You caught up with your friend and you were both neck and neck! Who's going to win?? You looked at your best friend with a big smirk and said, "I'M going to win!!" They replied, "No you're not! It's my birthday, so I have to win!" And with that they picked up their speed, but that came to an end quickly. They tripped over their shoelace and fell forward. They landed on top of the goodie bag they were carrying. You stopped running and kneeled down next to your friend. "A-Are you okay?!" You asked, now trembling in fear that you would somehow get in trouble for your friend falling. It was silent for a moment. "Hello...?" You reached your finger out to poke them, but they suddenly grabbed your finger and started laughing. They got up, continuing to laugh, still holding onto your index finger. "Hey, what's so funny??" You asked in confusion, trying to pull your finger away. They stopped laughing and let go of your finger, but still smiled widely, "Oooh nothing. Let's go back to the table already." 

At the party table you showed each other what you got with your tickets. Your friend then handed you a tiny ring that had a light on it. It was a blue one. You slipped it on and turned the light on. "Wow, this is so cool!" You said as you waved your hand in the air, admiring the ring. 

"Alright everyone, it is now time to sing ******** the happy birthday song!" Their mother said as she placed the cake down in the middle of the table. "1...2...3... sing it! Happy birthday to youuuu...."

You sung along, nudging your friend a few times to get them to pick their head back up. After you were all done singing the song, your friend leaned in and blown out all the candles. 

"Good job, ******! Now let me cut up the cake." The mom said as she picked up a knife.

She cut out the first piece and handed it to your friend. You had got the second piece with half of a checkered flag on it. You looked over at your friend's piece of cake and saw that he had a red car on theirs, so now it made since as to why there was a flag. You took your plastic fork and dug in. You took the first bite and it tasted like vanilla with some chocolate frosting.  

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