Unlikely Savior| Camino Del Rio & Erica

Start from the beginning

That made Erica pause and snap her attention to Marty. "What would the two of you have to do with her," she asked stunned.

Marty shrugged, "business."

"Business," Erica repeated in a harsh whisper, "you shouldn't be in any sort of business with that crazy woman."

Marty quirked a brow in confusion. "Didn't know you had such a strong opinion on her." Granted he couldn't be that surprised. Darlene Snell was disliked by many people around the area.

"Now that is a long story," Erica replied exasperated.

Having cleared the area she needed to work on, Erica grabbed the numbing spray to give at least a little relief to the poor man. He wasn't entirely conscious but she wasn't about to torture him. Before getting started she did pause to wash her hands, then grabbed the tweezers from her kit. The man was lucky the bullet wasn't lodged in too deep and she was able to get it out. She had instructed Marty at some point to give the man a pain med, that seemed to be helping with keeping him unaware of what she was doing. Marty quickly handed her a towel when the blood started pooling again and took the bullet from her. She just needed to clean up around the wound enough to start placing sutures.

As Erica started, she tried again to get answers. "Can I get a name for him?" She couldn't just refer to him as man when she was doing something so oddly intimate.

"Um Del," Marty said with some hesitation. "People just call him that."

Del. Clearly an alias, but she'd let it slide. "Guess that's better than nothing." Del flinched and let out a groan when she started another line. "I might need to get something stronger for the pain once we get him situated," she said after pausing.

"I can do that."

"You're going to leave him here with me?"

Marty sighed, "well it would be easier." He wouldn't have a single clue what to do if Del woke up abruptly in pain, or if he bled too much. "Less of a liability," he added.

Erica had to smile at that, what a coward. "I'm sure you could manage if I left for ten minutes." She looked up at Marty where he was standing at the end of the bed. "Or are you scared something will happen," she asked with a smirk.

Marty wasn't amused. "I'm sure you would be better equipped to handle a shift in his condition than I would." He also didn't want to be the one there when Del inevitable gained consciousness. It was his fault he was in this position.

Erica shook her head as she focused back on her task. This whole thing was starting to weird her out a bit. There was a reason Marty was being so vague about the details and she didn't like it. But right now she couldn't interrogate him like she wanted. He needed her to keep Del alive. So that's what she'll do, then she'll drag the answers out of him. No sane person would involve themselves with the Snells unless they wanted to walk on eggshells everyday. Jacob was more sensible, but Darlene was touchy. One wrong word and she would turn on you.

After another painstaking twenty minutes, Erica tied off the last of the sutures. Then came the worst part-cleaning up everything. That took even more time, especially when her patient was practically dead weight. It took a lot of effort on her and Marty's part to shift Del around to remove his shirt and fix the sheets. She'll have to ask Marty to find different clothes, she doubted Del would appreciate being left uncovered. The blood stained bedding would need to be tossed out but that was the last thing she cared about.

Marty was picking up the rest of the supplies while Erica worked on washing her hands. She stared blankly at the blood mixing with the water as it went down the drain. It took three applications of soap it get it all off her hands. She wasn't particularly disturbed by it, but the sight was quite bothersome. Never would she have guessed she'd being doing this that evening.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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