Tape 20: Cafe Date

Start from the beginning

The cafe had a warm, soft ambience, the aesthetic of cottage core was pleasing to the eye. Intriguing and eye-catching oil paintings decorated the walls. Old vintage music filled the place adding to the comfortable atmosphere. 

Sitting across from you a delicate expression spread on his scarred face.

"So why did you wake up so early?" You asked running your fingers through your hair. 

" Had a dream and couldn't fall back asleep, you?" 

"Same here, uhm.. do you wanna talk about it-?" It was known that you couldn't comfort for shit but at least you tried. You just struggled to sympathize with others and understand their emotions.

"Wow did faking your death make you nicer?" He jokes, the both of you chuckle. 

"Of course not but I am curious why out of all people you decided to join Bonten" you ask a bit bluntly. But it was true. Out of all the Executives he seemed to be the 'kindest' and most well mannered. Even when it came to killing you could see that he didn't enjoy it as much as yourself or Sanzu. 

"I-... mikey. He had a brother, well not by blood." He began, needing to stop as a waiter came with the drinks wishing you both a good day. 

"Izana Kurokawa. He and I grew up together in an orphanage we became each other's brothers.."

" i followed him and stuck by his side, but in a gang fight he was shot protecting me. Ever since that I guess I just stayed by mikey. He wanted to help Izana but in the end it was to late." He takes a sip of his drink. Weirdly you could almost relate to him, you both lost your parents and had no where to call home. Finding family in friends. 

"oh.." you took a sip of your drink. 

Fuck now what are you supposed to say?

"How about you y/n? I'm sure in hell that someone like you did not have a nice childhood." 

"After my parents died I was in multiple foster homes. Most were abusive, physically, and mentally. I had one American friend actually, her name was Emma. We both shared  orphanage room and became sisters by choice. She was then adopted by a family here in Japan but I'm not sure where she is."

Taking another sip of your drink. You remembered her. She had blonde hair and honey colored eyes. She was always protective over you even though you were older. She always fantasized about marrying a strong man and having kids. 

"Emma?.. hm Izana had a sister by that name as well.." this perked your interest. 

" She was killed under Izanas command though. I'm not sure it was your Emma though.."  

"Oh.. it might not be then. She wouldn't die so easily." You mumble. 

"Wanna head back?" He asks.

"Yeah good idea"




Times passed by and you got incredibly bored and restless. 

"Kaku wanna box for a bit?" You were changed into athletic shorts and a sports bra. He glances at you before getting up. 

"Alright." He was relieved that he could stop doing paperwork.

"Who wants to make bets?!" Sanzu follows the both of you, the word 'bet' peaked the Haitanis and Kokos interest as they follow.

"Guess we have an audience-" you mumble putting on your boxing gloves. Kakucho does the same.

"I'm betting Y/n's gunna win." Rindou says, Sanzu also takes your side. Ran and Kokonoi take Kakuchos side.

"1k bet?" Kokonoi asks them

"Bet." They stand to the side as you and Kakucho get into position.

"First one to the ground loses. Ready Hitto?"

"Hell yeah"

Sharing a smile the two of you start swinging punches. Barely dodging the hits. You missed this feeling, the feeling of being in the ring and the excitement that pain was allowed. 

Some could call you a masochist.

Minutes  flew by and soon you had the upper hand, with a uppercut and a finishing bolo punch Kakucho was knocked down to the ground.

You threw a sweaty arm up in victory. Rindou and Sanzu cheered for you as Kokonoi and Ran groaned knowing that they would be down 1K in their cards. 

"LETS FUCKING GOOOOO" Sanzu cheers high fiving you. Rindou pats your head happily as you and kakucho fist bump. You both had bloody cheeks but it was all part of the fun. 

"Kah-Ching" Rindou taunts Ran as he crosses his arms still impressed at your boxing techniques.

 You felt like a kid winning your first match. This was the part of your childhood that you liked to remember. Although you couldn't help wonder about your chosen sister


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(A.N: sorry for not updating school sucks. Take a filler chapter then I'll get a smut chapter up soon)

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