On my way out, I recognize her flannel laying on the ground of the car so I grab it quickly, maneuvering out of the truck that had been filled with hot sex no more than five minutes ago. Sage stares at me as if challenging my need to stay here longer.

I don't let her say anything as I hand off her flannel, sending her a cheeky smile.

    "You forgot something."

    Even now, I don't wait for her reaction as I instead, go towards the truck bed and grab onto the handle that opens it up. Sage stays where she is, no sand of shoes meeting the gravel following me as I anticipate her footsteps. I make myself comfortable immediately, allowing the door to lay out flat and get into the back of it with ease, recognizing her fishing gear that had been pushed off to the side.

    Once I climb up, I anticipate her presence as I stay standing where I am, in case she needs help getting up here. After all, she's fairly short and the height of this truck doesn't seem to be in her favor. Then again, I'm sure she does this often. She's probably a pro by now.

As I'm waiting, I almost have a heart attack as I hear her turn on the car, making me think she's going to drive off with me standing like this but she proves me wrong as all she seemed to intend to do was put on music.

    Proving further that this probably is something she does often.

    As she comes back over, I watch her stand in front of the laid-out back door, causing me to quickly hold out a hand for her to grab. She doesn't fail to look at it hesitantly as she seems skeptical to take it for a moment or two. However, she goes against whatever is convincing her otherwise and grabs onto it, allowing me to pull her up completely with one simple tug.

    Due to how abrupt it was, Sage stumbles for a moment, causing me to reach to her waist and stabilize her for a moment. My hands hold onto her waist as I try not to get caught up in the visual of the last time I was holding her waist.

    "You good, Conway?" I ask, biting back a chuckle.

    "Yeah just..." she says, keeping her eyes off of me as she steps out of my grip and walks towards where the back window of the truck is. "Worn out."

    Ah, that does make sense.

    I chuckle in response, feeling pride in hearing this as I know I really gave her my one hundred and ten percent in the back of her car. There was not a moment when I held back and I have a feeling her body is suffering because of it.

    Sage takes a seat in the bed so I follow her actions in order to do the same.

"I'd say I'm sorry but I'm not."

    She only shoots me a glare in return, tugging her knees up to her chest as I try to refrain from eyeing her over completely. It's as if my body is begging to go at it again with her but considering I don't even think she wants me here, I try to recognize that this is far from plausible. Nonetheless, I can't help but admire her and what the fuck we just did.

    Sage, on the other hand, seems as if she forgot about it completely by now. It's as if it already went right over her head and she's moved on from it entirely. I wish I could relate but the truth is, I fear I'm going to be replaying that sex in my mind for a lot longer than I'd like to.

    "Didn't expect you to be the type to hang around after a hook-up," Sage says, as I go to sit next to her, laying my legs out in front of me as I let out a deep breath.

    "I'm not," I say honestly as I've only ever been the type to flee the scene after finishing things up. "I guess I just need a break."


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