Chapter 2.

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Have I crossed the line?

All the things she said

All the things she said running through 

My head through my through my head

"DARA!" Marabeth yelled looking all around the library.

"Just stay quiet..."She won't find us I snickered.

"Love?"Marabeth saw us.

"You guys are not good hiders." She crossed her arms.

*we all laughed*

*intro plays*

*time skip to France*

"à plus tard bébé"The blonde French girl said.

"au revoir mon amour."Her boyfriend smiled.

Serenity passed by the brown haired boy and the two girls.

"Hey Tom!" Serenity greeted the brown haired boy.

She sat in a empty seat drinking her water.

"qui est cette jolie fille?"Violet asked

"C'est la sérénité l'étudiant d'échange !" Deju put her head against the wall.

"Elle ressemble à une fille américaine."Deju looked at her as she passed by.

"oooo j'aime les filles américaines!"Violet fan girled.

"ben bonjour arrête de caler et va lui parler !" Deju pushed her.

"peu importe!"She walked over to 

"parlez vous francais?"She asked

"Uh bonjur merci!"Serenity tried to speak.

"No problem I speak some English."Violet said in her French accent 

"Oh!"Serenity figured out what she was saying.

"Mind if I sit?"she asked.

"Sure sure!" Serenity said.

"What brings u to France?"She asked

"I go to blue dance academy."Serenity explained 

"How long are u here?"She smiled 

"Probably forever.."She looked down.

"Where things really that bad at home?" Violet sounded worried.

"No they were great actually.."She put her head up

"Do u want to talk about it?"Violet said.

"Well my mom changed her identity..lied about her age."She explained.

"Anyways what should I call u my friend?" Serenity asked.

"Violet."She smiled.

"Like the color purple right?"She smiled back.

"Yes!"She cheered.

*back to reality*

"Is that Violet?"She asked herself 

"Serenity?"She asked.

"Violet! What are u doing here."Serenity said

"Serenity who's this?"I asked

"My friend! Violet."She told her

"Violet this is Tujia."She introduced her

"Well I actually go here now I'm taking advanced art classes!"Violet smiled.

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