chapter one: Lexi

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"Bye Fez, I'll see you in an hour!", I hung up the phone.
Omg, I will go to the movies with Fez.
I don't know what I should wear.
Should I wear a dress or just a pair of jeans?
"Cassie, can you help me!!!", I said
Cassie came in the room.
"Is everything okay?", she asked
I asked her what I should wear and of course she wanted to help me.
An hour later I was waiting on Fez.
I wore a dress from Cassie and I didn't really felt like myself in it.
I shouldn't have asked her to help me.
I know she ment well, but she's just so different from me.
I don't really like to be the center of attention.
I'd rather be on the side.
I always was the quiet girl that nobody talked to, but after my play everyone started to talk to me and I don't really know if I like that.
Cassie is always the center of attention, she is the kind of girl that every boy or girl has a crush on.
When I was younger I always wished that I could be like her.
I wished that I was as pretty as her, but I started to realize that I am Lexi.
Maybe I am not as pretty as she is, but I have other qualities.
I'm smart, I'm kind and I'm artistic.
I saw Fez coming my way.
My stomach started to hurt, that's something that I always have when I'm nervous.
I remembered that when Rue and I had a presentation together my stomach hurted so much that they had to call my mom to ask if I could go home.
Rue used to make jokes about this, that was before she changed and became a stranger to me.
"Hey Fez!", I said
He gave me a kiss on my cheek.
"Hey Lexi", he said:"You look beautiful".
I started blushing, I hope that he doesn't see it.
We walked into the movie theater and bought tickets.
We laughed when we came out of the movie theater.
I had a lot of fun, I always feel the best when I am around him.
He is the first guy that I ever had a crush on.
I wonder if he feels the same way about me.

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