Skylanders Unite scene

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Master Eon was in the library as he heard the door knocking from the outside. "Enter." He spoke clearly as Hugo came in with a package in his hands. "Sir, I got your package. And Mist and His Awesomeness Spyro are both waiting outside, just as you requested." He spoke with a hint of sarcasm at the last part as Master Eon said, "Go easy on the lad, Hugo. It's not easy growing up an orphan. We are the closest thing they had to family, you know." As Hugo turns around and leaves, Master Eon opens the package to reveal a beard sprays and sprays it on his beard, singing the song of the beard spray brand.

Just then, Mist walks inside and says, "Good afternoon, Master Eon." He quickly stopped and sees her before saying, "Mist, I'm glad you have the time to come here. Where's Spyro?" Just then, Spyro came zooming in past him and says, "Ah, my main man!" Eon flinched from that, but he cleared his throat as Spyro landed next to Mist and added, "Master Eon!" "Have a seat." Master Eon spoke, causing Spyro to sit down while Mist made a chair out of fire and sat on it. Eon then took out Spyro's test from Jet Vac's class and asks, "Spyro, can you explain your performance in the air studies quiz?"

Spyro takes the paper and says, "I can, but it wouldn't be that good." He looks at his score and notice that he has a D minus and says, "What? I passed?" Mist facepalmed before Master Eon answered, "You passed...barely." "Yeah, but I passed. Barely is a little judge-mental." Spyro said before Master Eon sighed and says, "Spyro, Mist, you both are on your way to becoming Skylanders. Do you know what that means?" Spyro flew up to him and says, "I should start my own fan club?"

Master Eon then says, "You're missing the point. You'll both soon be a part of something much bigger than yourselves." Spyro realized and says, "Oh, I totally get that, Eon. So, I should get someone to start one for me. You up for it, Mist?" She was a bit confused and asks, "Me?" Spyro shrugged and says, "I mean, you've known me for a while, and you are pretty cute." She got irritated and says, "We're on our way to becoming Skylanders, and you're trying to hit on me?!"

"What? I'm being honest." Spyro said before Master Eon sighs and says, "Come, I need to show you two something." He leads the two to a bookcase and pressed a red button on one of the books. Doing that, the bookcase lowers itself down to reveal another bookcase as Spyro asks, "So, it's a bookcase?" Mist hits the back of his head before Master Eon says, "That's not what I wanted to show you." The second bookcase has a scanner as it scans his beard before allowing them access inside. The three went inside to show the Relics Room as Master Eon says, "Behold, the most precious items in all of Skylands."

Both Spyro and Mist looked around the room, seeing Giants, Swap Force, The Imaginators, and..."A random candy cane?" Mist said before Master Eon took notice and says, "Ah, that's where I left it." She looked disgusted before Spyro gasped at one particular item and says, "And the Book of Skylanders." He flew to it and turns to Master Eon and asks, "Can I touch it?" Master Eon nods to him, making Spyro happy and reached for the book, but when he touched the book, he gets electrocuted. Eon was wearing goggles as Mist flinched from Spyro's pain until he was shot back from the book. Eon chuckled and says, "Never gets old." He flips a switch to turn off the electric field around the book after Mist shook her head of Spyro's clumsiness and walks to the book.

"Upon graduation, every graduate is drawn expertly by yours truly." Master Eon said after Spyro regained from the electricity and flew to them while Master Eon flips some pages of the book. "I've been looking forward to inscribing you both since I took you in as a toddler and a baby." The scene shows the past of toddler Mist practicing her powers and past Master Eon trying to get baby Spyro to get down so that he can feed him with a baby bottle before Master Eon continues, "You were both fending for yourselves to be born heroes. I had a feeling in my beard that you were both destined for greatness. But then, after you two took the admission tests and received the highest scores ever. Anyway, I've been telling you both since you were found how gifted you two are for better or worst it seems." He looks at Spyro and continues, "And despite your cockiness immaturity and blatant disregard for fire safety."

"Oh, and other kinds of safety." Spyro said, making Mist groan a bit and says, "This is what he means, Spyro." Spyro looked at her as Master Eon says, "I can't help but blame myself for overindulging you and filling your head with grandiose notions, Spyro." Spyro was checking himself with a hood chalice and says, "I can't help but blame you either, but I'm totally willing to forgive you, this time." Master Eon continues, "I can't help but feel I've created a monster by nurturing your confidence and talents all these years." Spyro shrugged a bit and says, "Well, I AM a dragon, so..." Mist sighs and says, "He had a point, Eon. Some dragons are like that when they're newborns." Master Eon nods and says, "True."

"Some are, but I was talking about his unbridled ego. Now Spyro, you must put your ego aside and start applying yourself fully. Can you do this?" Spyro laughs a little and says, "Of course I can. I'm the greatest, your words, not mine." Mist hits his arm as Eon says, "Now, I suggest you both go and get ready for the Skylanders Games tomorrow. It is your final test, and Spyro, this time, barely passing will not be good enough." Spyro nods and says, "And I suggest you be ready to draw my handsome mug in that book of yours."

Mist rolls her eyes and says to Master Eon, "We won't disappoint you, Eon. Well, mostly Spyro." With that, she flew out of the Relics Room to practice her powers before Spyro says, "Yeah, we won't." He flies out as well.

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