Chapter Sixtyfive

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After the initial surprise, Su Yuli quickly reacted. For a moment, he didn't know whether to smile wryly or to be angry.

God really didn't want to die. It's up to this point, and I want to try my best to get the plot back on track - let Wen Jin and Lin Suiyan go to the end of eternal separation.

Su Yuli murmured twice, and felt that the blindfolded black cloth had been torn apart. Because of not seeing for a long time, he could not adapt to the outside light for a while, so he couldn't help closing his eyes.

Before Su Yuli opened his eyes again, the tape on his mouth was roughly torn open, and a burning pain came from his cheeks, which was very sour.

Su Yuli frowned and opened his eyes, only to see Luo Xing glaring at him fiercely. At a glance, Su Yuli couldn't help being taken aback.

Luo Xing has always cared about his image. In Su Yuli's impression, every time he sees Luo Xing, he is dressed in a suit and leather shoes. , Not to mention the unshaven beard, the eyes are still covered with bloodshot eyes, and I don't know how long I haven't closed my eyes. Not only that, but the suit on his body was also wrinkled. Obviously, the life of escape brought great pressure to Luo Xing's heart, leaving him no time to pay attention to the outside world.

Su Yuli looked at Luo Xing and felt that he looked very much like the villain of the TV series at this time, and then he thought that in the world of "Stupid", Luo Xing is indeed the villain. And this villain has now kidnapped him.

At this time, Su Yuli found that he was still in the mood to think about this, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, his heart was really big.

Su Yuli watched Luo Xing to prevent him from making any drastic actions, so as to avoid him in time, and looked around with the corner of his eye.

He found that he was not staying in the room as he had thought, and he was not stepping on the floor, but a fairly smooth stone surface. The place where he and Luo Xing were now was a cliff, and a few meters away from him was the turbulent sea.

Su Yuli just wore it back, and his senses have not fully recovered. He is a little stunned. Now, with the passage of time, he has regained control of his body, and all the feelings are returned in turn.

He felt the sea breeze blowing through, bringing a biting chill. He heard the waves crashing against the reef, making a squeaking sound. He saw Luo Xing's eyes flashing with bitter hatred and jealousy...

Su Yuli moved slightly and found that his hands were tied by ropes.

The sea, cliffs, kidnapping, and Luo Xing...

Su Yuli took a light breath, looked into Luo Xing's eyes and said, "What on earth are you trying to do?"

Luo Xing stared at Su Yuli coldly, just as he was about to speak, suddenly a harsh bell rang, and Su Yuli noticed that Luo Xing was holding a mobile phone in one hand.

Luo Xing stared at the caller ID, his eyes flickering coldly. After a long time, he clicked to connect, but he put the phone to his ear and said nothing.

The person on the other end of the phone said a few words, and the voice was sent to Su Yuli's ears along the sea breeze. Although it was a little distorted and couldn't hear the content clearly, Su Yuli still recognized it. It was Lin Suiyan's voice. Immediately called: "Suiyan, don't worry, I'm fine."

Luo Xing's expression turned cold, he kicked when he lifted his foot, Su Yuli shook his body lightly, and fell to the ground following Luo Xing's strength.

Luo Xing looked at Su Yuli's weak hands and feet contemptuously, turned his head and whispered a few words to the phone, then hung up.

Lin Suiyan came quickly, and according to Luo Xing's request, he came alone, without calling the police, he parked his car in the distance and walked over on foot.

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