Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

The change in Wen Jin's temperament is probably the result of a man's intentional verticality, but such a result is what a man would like to see. With Wen Jin's family background and character, if he hadn't met Lin Suiyan, he could have lived a carefree and happy life.

In addition, the man did not expect that he was just a random decision, and it was beneficial to him.

With Wen Jin, he is always happy and relaxed, and it feels good.

On the sofa, Su Yuli seemed to feel hot, and the thin blanket on him was lifted aside by him.

The man stepped forward and covered the opened blanket over Su Yuli's abdomen to prevent him from catching a cold.

Su Yuli slept until nine o'clock at night and woke up feeling hungry.

He rubbed his eyes and found that there was only a small light on in the living room, which was hazy and suitable for sleeping, but Lin Suiyan was not here.

Su Yuli said in his heart that he was indeed a scumbag. After eating the food made by the young master, he left him on the sofa without paying attention. It was just hateful.

When Su Yuli got up in anger, he heard the voice of the housekeeper: "Master Wen, you are awake." Then the light in the living room was turned on.

The housekeeper came over and said with a smile, "You're hungry, the hotel's food just arrived, get up and eat."

After Su Yuli tried it once, he realized that cooking is not easy. Now that someone has prepared it and sent it over, he is happy and relaxed.

Su Yuli nodded, and then he noticed that he was covered with a blanket. He folded the blanket and said to the housekeeper, "Thank you, Uncle Kang."

The housekeeper glanced at the neatly folded blanket in Su Yuli's hand, and said with a smile, "Don't thank me, Mr. covered it for you."

Su Yuli was stunned, Lin Suiyan covered him with a blanket?

Su Yuli went to wash his face, and when he came back, the housekeeper had already put food on the table.

Su Yuli glanced at it. Boiled shrimp, sweet and sour small ribs, yam and lettuce, together with a milky white fish soup, the dishes were very homely, but because of this homely style, it was more able to arouse people's appetite.

He picked up a spoon and filled a bowl of fish soup, and suddenly raised his head and asked, "Lin... Where is Sui Yanren, why didn't you come here?"

The butler put the last fruit plate on the table and said, "Sir is in the study, I'll go and call him."

study? Looking at the butler's back, Su Yuli couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Isn't there a bonus from the protagonist, why are you still fighting so hard? Sure enough, even the protagonist of the novel did not succeed casually.

Su Yuli lowered his head to drink the soup. After a while, the housekeeper came back alone, and Su Yuli waited for a while, but did not see Lin Suiyan come down.

The housekeeper noticed Su Yuli's expression and said, "Mr. is not done yet, let you eat first, you don't have to wait for him."

Su Yuli got up and said, "I'll go take a look."

The housekeeper didn't stop him, he shook his head and said with a smile, "The relationship is really good enough to be enviable."

Su Yuli knocked on the door of the study, and when he met Lin Suiyan's eyes, he said something was wrong, he had already repaid Lin Suiyan's kindness, and he still cared about what he was doing with his hungry stomach? Did you sleep foolishly? But others have already come in, so they can't go back like this.

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