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tagged elizabetholsen
Make sure to spoil Darla 😕


elizabetholsen: I always spoil her, excuse me

user2: ugh Quinn 😩

imdylanobrien: I still don't get why she couldn't stay with me 😞

reply to imdylanobrien:
quinnyrush: your apartment doesn't allow dogs idiot
imdylanobrien: I could always act like she's a stuffed animal

user5: i love Dylan and Quinn's friendship 😝

user7: what's under that robe 🧐

user11: I stg if she ever gets married I'm gonna kms

user9: fine ass

user8: FOLLOW MY TIKTOK!! ITS user8_useruser

user4: legit mid

𝑀𝓊𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁𝓈| Chris Evans *editing?*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin