1 - My First Kiss Goes Horribly Wrong

Start from the beginning

'That's not what I meant!' I screamed, throwing my books around. Smooth recover, I know. 'I was talking about-' I leaned in to whisper '-you know who.'

'Not in a million years, pal. She's got a boyfriend already. Guys like us are not on the cards for a girl of that...build.'

'You talk about girls in the strangest way, man.'

Ramone shrugged. 'I am who I am.'

'And what would that be?'

He flashed me a winning smile. 'A shameless horndog.'

I rolled my eyes, giving him a light punch on the shoulder. We made our way outside, from the busy high school halls to the equally as crowded courtyard. The lunch bell had just gone off, so we sprinted to our usual spot, underneath the bleachers in the football field.


The best way to avoid bullying is to make sure they never find you. The entire Valentine Vultures football team had it in for us, and we've been switching hangout places non-stop because of them. This week, we hid underneath the bleachers. The last place we'd think they'd look, and so far, it's worked out remarkably well. Valentine Academy is an inner-city school, so it's all the more impressive that they had the budget to build a football field on the grounds.

Walt was already there when Ramone and I arrived.

'I'm ticked off today,' Walt said before I had the chance to say hello.

Here we go again.

'Ms. Hampford, my science teacher, was going on about how Pluto is actually a planet. Excuse me? It's a dwarf planet. Just because it's in our solar system doesn't mean it's a full-size planet! By that logic, I guess the moon is a planet too!'

Ramone shrugged 'That's just her opinion, amigo. Can't change her mind.'

'But she's a science teacher! She gets paid to express her LIES!'

'Why don't you be the teacher then?' I said. Walt waved his finger around like I was actually on to something.

'Gavin Edward Middleton, my friend, you may be on to something here.'

I sighed. He tends to use people's full names when he appreciates what they've said. It's a rare occasion whenever Ramone speaks, but Walt always uses it on me.

Yeah, that's my name. Gavin. It's the only part of me that stands out, and one that many mispronounce for some reason. They get Ramone Ricardo Alfonso Pablo Javier Fernando Santiago Esperanza right the first time, but not GAVIN MIDDLETON?

The world I live in...

'If you were the teacher,' Ramone said, 'I wouldn't be failing as much as I am.'

'You're right,' Walt replied. 'Your grades would be much worse.'

'Let's talk about something else,' I said, seeing the origin of another Ramone vs. Walt Insult Duel.

'Like what?' Walt asked.


'Any of you watch the news last night,' Ramone said, thankfully shifting the subject. 'Another murder. Gruesome too. She to be a student at our school.'

Walt and I nodded solemnly.

Stoker City, Population 2.4 million and counting. Its towers are built higher than any other, its streets built longer, its people built tougher, and born richer. It is the largest multi-racial city in the world, and also home to...


They walk among us, like any other human. At night they transform, stalking humans, devouring them for their blood. We live in a world of constant terror, not from wars or crimes, but from those who seek to quench their thirst on our blood.

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