Chapter 3 - Spy Cook~

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Thatch pouted. After lunch, he wanted to grab Luffy and made him help with a few pranks. Marco's warning, that he would have to cook everything for Luffy's birthday, didn't really affect him. He did meet the chef of the Straw Hats once and he just knew that this man would be stopped by nothing to cook for his crew and especially his captain. So Thatch was safe to play a few pranks.

But he couldn't. Izo stopped him by making him clean up the paint from his prank and then ordered the cook to be his helper for setting up a guest room for Jinbe. The Fishman himself was with Namur. The eighth division commander volunteered to help Jinbe out with calling the other Straw Hats. And the captain of the Straw Hats Luffy was with Marco. Thatch pitied the boy a bit. Don't get him wrong, he liked respectively loved his brother. But he could be so boring sometimes that Thatch wanted to sleep. Luffy was prone to get bored with Marco. Which he most likely did if you count jumping into the ocean for no reason. That gave Thatch a few moments with his blonde brother because Izo wanted to dress up Luffy. He mused to himself. The face, Marco made when he saw the boy in the red short kimono, was interesting. Thatch thought for a moment that he would start chasing Izo. But he didn't. Well, could be because Luffy already went to the next spot and shouted something about training. This would have been able to be a good prank, but sadly he didn't have time. Even if it was still afternoon, he should start preparing dinner soon. It wasn't a vacation with Luffy on board.

Now after dinner, he was in the lounge with Izo. Finally able to do what he wants to. But he couldn't. Marco took Luffy with him to Oyaji. No special reason, at least as much as he knew. And Izo was reading papers of his division next to him. This wasn't how an evening was supposed to be like.

„Stop pouting. It won't work on me", Izo said and stopped his thoughts.
„But Izo, do you really have to read now? There are better things to do. Like thinking about new pranks and preparing them", Thatch complained. The cross-dresser didn't answer. But his glance made the redhead flinched. He knew that look too well. One wrong word. One wrong word and Izo would ignore him for a whole week. That was something Thatch couldn't live with.

The cook loved affection and attention from his family. But two people are more special to him. On one hand, it was Whitebeard. His father figure was the first person, who encored him to be himself. To be a little childish if he will like it. To prank the others as long as nothing important broke and no one got hurt. On the other hand, it was Izo. The relationship between him and the cross-dresser was deeper. So he never called Izo his brother and the other knew it, too. The cross-dresser didn't show it much with words, but with actions like a hug for an example.

„Please, Izo. Stop looking at me like that. I swear I will cook or bake everything for you. But please, stop looking at me like that, darling", Thatch begged and even got on his knees. Izo shook his head lightly with a soft chuckle.
„If you get on your knees someone would think you would propose."
„You know, I will someday. And I'll already know your answer."
„Don't get too cocky with me, cook", Izo warned him, but he pulled the cook up to give him a quick kiss. Thatch smirked and sneaked his arms around his other.

This was better than sitting here and watching Izo read. The book was dropped on the sofa, where Izo had been seated a few seconds ago. This was how an evening should be. No work for their divisions. Well, there still was for Izo, but he hoped the cross-dresser would be distracted enough to not think about them any longer.

„You really like others to stop working, don't you?" There went his hope.
„Only my favourites. But you don't have any more work, do you?"
„Would you stop if I say yes?"
„No, I wouldn't stop except you want to see some pranks. Then I think I could leave you for a few minutes."
„Marco's warning isn't really stopping you."
„Nope. I mean, I really like cooking and even if there are three black holes, which is kinda shocking when you first hear about it. But I think that the cook of the Straw Hats will cook the meal mostly. Because that's the kind of man he is. He won't be stopped by anything to cook for his crew. So I'm safe. I will help out, but I can still sneak a few kisses and a dance from you." Thatch smirked and pressed soft kisses to Izo's cheek. But before he could kiss the cross-dresser on the lips, someone spoke.
„I have nothing against you two being like that. You know how some of the crew can be. So could two please get a room, yoi." Both were a bit shocked and looked at the door.

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