Nomi & Khalil

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"Damn, that is him girl." I sighed rubbing my temples after I took a glance around the room.  Me and my home girl decided to come out to this house party that our mutual friend was throwing. It's wasn't to big, must of us were just chillan, sippin, and smoking. It was a pretty chill Saturday night so far.

"Every time I try to have a good time this nigga pops up." I rolled my eyes while I looked at my friend. Khalil and I hang out with the same group of people so of course I was going to see him tonight. I just wished he was busy tonight or something. Like go to work! Stay home shit, do anything else but be here.

"Jut ignore that man." She suggested while she poured the both of us shots.

"I am." I said downing the shot of Hennessy. The alcohol instantly started to heat my body up.

I finally broke it off with Khalil about two weeks ago, me and him been talking on and off for the past two years. He didn't want to commit to me so I let him go. What was the point to do this over and over again?

"Come on. Let's go sit down." I said pulling her arm towards the living room. Me and Selena walked out the kitchen and made our way to the living room were most of our friends where. They had a intense game of Uno going on right now.

"I got next round." I said while I took a seat on the couch next to my homie Jalen that I knew since high school.

"Draw four hoe!" One of the girls yelled out while slamming the card on the table.

"Wassup Nomi?"

"Wassup Jalen, how are you?" I asked giving him a side hug since we were sitting on the couch side by side.

"I'm straight. You look good by the way." He said while he looked at me.

"Thank you baby." I smiled while I turned my attention to the uno game to see who was winning.

Moments later Khalil walked up to me with a mug on his face, I already knew he was about to be on some bullshit. I should've left when I had the chance.

"Get up, let me talk to you real quick." He ordered while he stood over me.

I scrunched up my face, "I'm straight."

"I'm not gon' tell yo' ass again."  He said looking down at me.

This time I didn't put up a fight because I knew he meant business. I knew not to play with him because he has put me in my place multiple times since we've been dating. No, talking? I don't know what to call it because he never knows what he wants.

I stood up to my feet and followed behind him to the unoccupied bathroom that was towards the back of the house. The bathroom was only  lit with a red light, my friend really wanted to make his house with a party vibe.

"What do you want?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest once he closed the bathroom door and locked it.

"Damn, I can't get a how are you? What's wrong with you Nomi?" He asked taking a step closer to me.

"Nothing, I told you it was over between us. So I'm trying to figure out why we're in here?" I asked attitude lacing every word I say. I was sick of his shit, we go through this all the time. We fall out, then a few weeks later we're back in good graces. Not this time, I'm tired of the cycle.

"I see you all up in that niggas face, you fucking him?" Khalil questioned.

I could only laugh, this is exactly why I didn't want to come in here in the first place.

"Excuse me." I continued to laugh while I made my way around him and then to the door so I could leave his dumb ass alone.

"Nomi." He pulled my arm so I could face him.

"Just let me go. I'm not about to play these dumb ass games with you." I said snatching my arm from his grasp.

I tried to leave again but he hemmed me up against the door, that didn't stop me though, I tried to fight him off but this made him only grab me by my throat and slam me against the door lightly, not to hurt me but only for me to stop.

"I'm not gon' tell yo ass again Nomi. I'm really gon' hurt you." Khalil said dangerously close to my lips.

"What the fuck do you want? What? You have me in here for what!?" I asked, I was starting to become angry because at this point your wasting my time. I've been wasting my time for to long with him.

"I miss you mamas, I'm tired of you ignoring me." He said pulling me in closer to him by my hips.

"I told you it's done."

"We're done." I continued to say.

"It ain't done till I say so, you hear me?" He said while he moved his lips towards the crook of my neck, kissing my skin softly.

I was starting to lose myself into his kisses.

"I don't want to do this anymore." I spoke while he still held me close.

"Why mamas? I miss you so much. I don't want anybody else but you baby."

"I've already told you, If you can't commit to me what's the point huh?"

"I love you but-" I started to say but I closed my mouth as fast as I could. I've never told this man that I loved him out loud. I always showed him in my actions because I feel like if I did tell him I loved him he'll run away from me as fast as he could.

There was a silence between the both of us, I was shocked that I let the L word escape from my lips.

"You love me?" Khalil finally spoke up once he processed what I just said.

"Yes, I do. But you don't love me, I know." I said while I looked up at his handsome face.

"That's not true." He shook his head.

"Then tell me you love me." I said while I tried to read his facial expression's, but this red light wasn't helping me at all.

Khalil was still quiet, proving my point even more. His silence was only getting under my skin so I needed to leave this bathroom quick before I burst into tears.

I couldn't even look at him anymore, so I turned my back towards him so I could open the bathroom door and make a run for it.

Khalil stopped me,

"I told you, you're not going anywhere." He spun me back around to face him.

"Nomi." Khalil said while he wrapped his palm around my neck to bring my face closer to his.

"I love you." He said while he looked deeply into my eyes, then he crashed his plump lips against mine. Our kiss was filled with love, hate, and anger. I hated that he had my emotions all over the place like this. I love him so much and it makes me feel sick inside. I'm angry that he has me under his thumb like this. Khalil knows I would do anything for him, so I'm wondering why it took him this long to tell me how he feels.

"I fucking love you okay?" Khalil said under his breath once he came up for air, then he continued to explore my mouth with his tongue.

"Tell me again." I moaned out while he removed his lips from mine.

"I love you so fucking much." He gripped my throat tighter.

"Show me how much you love me." I almost cried out.

He pushed himself into me more so I could feel his raging monster dying to come out.

"Ayeee yooo! Come out I have to use the bathroom!" We heard someone yell then soon after a round of knocking was heard on the door.

"Fuck, I'm so wet right now." I mumbled on his lips while I pecked him a few more times.

"Come on let's go back to my place." Khalil suggested while he squeezed a handful of my ass.

"Okay let me just go tell Selena real quick." I said while I opened the door to let us both out.

"You better be at my house in ten minutes Nomi, I'm not playing." Khalil said from behind me while we walked to the living room.

"I will baby. I'll see you soon." I said giving him a hug and a quick kiss before he left out the front door.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I replied with one more kiss.

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