A war-thorn man

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The couple walked down the path that led them down of the mountain without having to follow the shaman's route again. Aloy opened the interface of her Focus and began to read the list of things that her boyfriend had to do for the Werak. 

She opened her map to review the locations of each task, trying to visualize a route to make the whole ordeal less difficult and annoying for the both of them, at least, that was the original plan of the redhead until she noticed that close to her was that "Metal Cavern" that the Banuk shaman had told her about, back in Song's Edge.

Aloy: Hey Al, do you remember that place that that Shaman told me about inSong's Edge? -Asked his girlfriend to the ancient soldier, to which he nodded.

Aloy: It's about 20 minutes away, I'll go check it out -said the redhead and her boyfriend looked at his map and noticed that it was the old Yellowstone drone/aircraft hangar, the place that he shouldn't have found in the first place.

Allam: Alone? -Asked the ancient soldier to the huntress; she nodded.

Allam: But... what if you need help? -Asked her boyfriend somewhat worried, to which she looks at him somewhat incredulously and with some annoyance.

Aloy: I can defend myself, Al -she replied with some attitude, to which the old soldier only raises his hands in surrender.

Allam: Woah, Woah, Woah, easy there, love. I know that better than anyone. I was just saying it for security -explained the old soldier to his mate.

Aloy: Besides, you need to start helping the Banuk and this detour is going to waste your time. So, don't worry about it and go do what you have to do, I'll see you in Song's Edge -said the huntress with a satisfying smile, while she gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek.

Aloy: Also, what's the worst that can happen? -the redhead said with a shrug.

Moments later...

Aloy had three electric arrows on her bow, aiming them at two Stalkers, which surprised her inside the old hangar.

Aloy: It was too good to be true -said the redhead while she analyzed her situation and thought of a strategy to kill both machines.

Aloy knew from the start that getting that rail from the drone was too easy, and it gave her an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Sometimes, she hated being right.

An hour later...

Aloy was hanging from an old rusty metal platform inside of an ancient dam, the Jackson Dam; Beneath her, wild currents of frigid water awaited her, and if that didn't kill her, the Snapmaws that were submerged in the depths of the water would make sure to finish her off.

It all started by wanting to help that girl and those "musical tubes" of hers, which ended up with her meeting a kind-hearted dumbass that does not know that some things, should not be played with...in this case, the control panel of an ancient dam.

She pulled herself up and climbed atop the platform again.

Aloy: This has to be a damn joke...-the redhead said tiredly and trying not to get dizzy and lose her balance.

An hour or so after...

Aloy had her bow drawn and was back-to-back with a Banuk, named Ikire, surrounded by machines. The huntress was helping her find her lost friend, who was trapped in the frozen mountains of the Cut, in an introduction ceremony to a Werak that both of them wanted to get into.

Ikire: Well, this is not my day -said the young woman as she prepared herself for battle.

Aloy: Touché -said the redhead thinking about everything that happened to her in just a few hours.

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