Becoming A Champion

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In castle Greyskull, Logan was sleeping in his room, having his first ever rest on a bed in a long time.  Then suddenly he hears muffed booms. He wakes up and looks around. He gets up and sees a note on the door.


Hey Logan it's Duncan, if your still sleeping just know we started training with our powers. Adam wants you to join so you can catch up, not sure you need any after you fight with the bones. Oh and while you were sleeping we found some of your old clothes.

He looks around a sees them. He smiles and puts them on. At the power chamber. The master were training. Man-at-arms was fighting battle cat, as the others watch.

Man-at-Arms: so[dodge a slash] how you think[jumps] Logan is doing 

Battlecat: I would say he is doing well

Battlecat attacks him, he pulls up his shield and blocks the attacks.

Sorceress: I'm sure he's find, he's always been.

He-man:[swinging his sword] so what can you tell us Logan

Sorceress: well, Logan has always been alone, much longer then me and Duncan. He was raised in the wild before staying in eternos.

Ram ma'am: wait so he's like me Adam.

Sorceress: yo be more exact, he's like Cringer.

Eldress then appears.

Eldress: the totem must have chosen him for his head and will power, for one to live all alone.

he-man: but now he's not alone. 

Soon Logan walks into the chamber.

Logan: wow this place is big

Man-at-arms:[riding battlecat] hey Logan, woah!

Logan: hey Duncan. [sees the ghost lady] oh, so you must be the Eldress Teela told me.

Eldress: yes, greetings Logan

Logan: glad to meet ya, so this is the power chamber

Eldress: yes, what powers this very castle. 

Krass: known as Castle Greyskull, so is it out turn to fight. 

They look to see battlecat pining down man-at-arms. 

Battlecat: I believe it is

Man-at-Arms: yeah 

Eldress: who's is next 

Ram ma'am: I'm game, it's ramball time

Logan: I'll go next, Adam, I mean he-man

He-man:[nods and lifts sword] by the power of grayskull 

Logan soon glows. He transforms into Dragonman and roars.

Dragonman: I have the power

Dragonmab and Ram Ma'am walk past battlecat and and Man-at-Arms.

Man-at-Arms: good look Dragonman, you got this

Battlecat: least we'll get to see Dragonman is made of.

He-man: yeah, is he suppose to be as power as the sword of greyskull

Eldress: he is really [thoughts] and dangerous

Dragonman looms over Ram ma'am.

Dragonman: are you ready to rumble runt

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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