You Can't Always Get What You Want

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The trip back to the sanctuary was uneventful, which was always a good thing. I knew perfectly well how to defend myself and fight if necessary, against any opponent that crossed my path. Dad had made sure of that, after an incident a couple of years ago when I ran away from home to get medicine for my mother. I was on my own then. And my father had taken it upon himself to try to keep as much innocence in me as possible in a world like this.

After that mishap, he seemed to realize that this would not be feasible anymore.

The morning couldn't go any slower in the northern outpost, but after several hours of hard work, we managed to burn all the bodies.

Laura approached me, with  look of sympathy on her face, before her sight shifted to the truck that was now carrying Adam's body, which would go to the Sanctuary where we resided to be buried. "They're going to pay for what they did to him." She assured me, trying to hide the tears that welled up in her blue eyes.

I moved my gaze to the blonde woman next to me, who was just as hurt as I was after the loss of my brother. After all, the two of them had become very close in the past three years. And although they would never admitted to it, we all knew that there was something more than just a friendship between them.

"You sure you can do this?" I asked, glancing at her. "I can drive the truck back home if you want." But she shook her head and gave me a sad smile.

"No. It's fine, I've got it. Besides, I'd like a moment alone with him before we bury him." She said, not shredding one tear. She was strong and tough. I knew that. But I also knew she was suffering in silence.

"Do you think that's what he would have wanted?" I asked, changing  the subject. Adam had always been as passive and empathetic as Sam. The opposite spectrum of Dean and I. Intelligent, hard-working and emotional. On the contrary, we considered ourselves to be slightly more brusque in those aspects, and always seemed to have alternative motives. "For us to avenge him by killing those people? I get it. I'm mad too. But war's never solved anything."

"I think what he would want is for us to keep our people safe." She stated, before walking away from me, heading to the pilot's door, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more.


Once back home, I made my way through the gates on my motorcycle, noticing Castiel was still at the lookout post. I had told him the night before to keep watch but never thought he would pull an all nighter. I got out of the vehicle and saw him close the gates behind me before he came to greet me.

"Alex!" He called out, rushing over to meet me with a worried look on his face. "I heard about what happened last night. How are you?"

I shrugged and looked at him for a moment, before the sun's rays blinded my vision, forcing me to use my hand as a visor. "I don't know...I guess I haven't processed it yet."

Cass nodded. "It's been a very hard few days. You should rest." He advised.

"I don't think that's a good idea. In any other circumstance I'd be happy to do nothing and let my brothers take care of everything." I joked, giving him a sad smile. "But I think I need to keep myself distracted for now."

Castiel took a deep breath and nodded. "Well, if you're looking for something to do...I heard Dwight's being an asshole again. Perhaps, you could check on him..." I giggled before I turned around and started to head towards the building.

"You sure know how to cheer me up, Cas..." I laughed.

I walked into the factory, bumping into several residents almost instantly, but only one caught my eye; Nick. Lucifer, as we all knew him, a name given by my father, who referred to him as the devil for his childish ways and evil, yet funny, shenanigans, was one of his most trusted lieutenants around, and my best friend, aside from Cas, of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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