Chapter Four; Weakness

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"Yes, Mameha."

"Good. Now finish your tea. We have a busy day ahead of us."


Nah, I'm so bored! How is doing groceries and chasing after that dumb cat every three days supposed to help me become a ninja? I'm not learning anything! And what the hell is Katana doing that she doesn't even have time to say hello? She's been standing me up all week, and for what? All I see her do is walk around the village with that Mameha-lady and Kagami, going from store to store to do stupid shopping! I'd understand if she was training, but she's not even doing that! Enough, I've had it! I'm gonna march right up to that place and...

"Boss! Hey boss! NARUTO, STOP!"

Naruto grunted in annoyance when someone grabbed the jacket of his orange jumpsuit and yanked him back. He'd been so busy sulking and ranting to himself he hadn't heard Konahamaru shouting or even running toward him. The grandson of the Third Hokage was a fun kid to be around and simply adored Naruto like a big brother (especially since he taught him how to perform Sexy Jutsu), but Naruto wasn't in the mood to deal with him right now. 

"Oh, hey Konahamaru. Listen, I don't really have time for you right now, I —"

"Boss, will ya shut up for two seconds and listen to me?" yelled the brown-haired kid with the blue scarf. "I got a message for ya."

"Huh, a message? From who?"

"Your girlfriend."

"My what? I don't have a girlfriend, you little pipsqueak!"

Though it wasn't for his lack of trying. Too bad Sakura only had eyes for her precious Sasuke. Sasuke was so good, so perfect, so handsome... Naruto could just wrap his hands around that pretentious jerk's neck and squeeze until he popped like a zit. 

"Ya don't? Then who's that girl with the black hair and green outfits I sometimes see ya with?"

"Katana?" Naruto grabbed Konahamaru by the shoulders. "Where is she? What did she say? Is she okay?"

"Wowowow, boss, stop shaking me!" Konahamaru pulled free from Naruto's hold and straightened his scarf. "Man, for someone who says he's not her boyfriend, you sure are worried about her."

"Konahamaru, what did she say?" insisted Naruto.

"She said she's waiting for ya at your place, but that —"

"Thank you!"

"Wait, I'm not done yet!"

But Naruto was already running as if his very life depended on it. He jumped up on the rooftops, limiting his chances of getting obstructed. His lungs burned so much, it felt like they would explode right out of his chest. But he didn't care. He could breathe later.
When he got home, Naruto jumped down onto the landing of his floor, took out his key, and opened the door to his flat. The most amazing aroma of homemade food stumped him on the threshold. Never had he smelled something so delicious. But what really left him speechless was the stunning beauty before him.
The white flowers embroidered across Katana's chest at the buttons of her long, sleeveless dark-green dress were so richly done they almost looked real. Her black hair hung loosely over her shoulder with a playful curl, a simple but elegant silver headband pushing her locks away from her face. There was a faint blush on her cheeks, her lips were a different shade of pink than usual, and her blue eyes somehow seemed bigger with that thin green line painted on her eyelids. 

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