10: Shocking news

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Aurora's POV
It's been five months since our first album came out and our music videos have come out.
I was so shocked to see how many people watched and loved our songs but as I always knew there were going to be haters because I am the only girl in the group. After that interview I felt heart broken and disgusted with myself and all I saw on social media was the interview of me going viral. At the end we ended up getting a new manager as Pledis found out our old manager had no qualifications at all and was only with us to hate on me and get to the others.

All of us have been practicing so hard to post our dance practice videos online to show our fans the choreography. But lately I have been feeling like something is off our manager hasn't been as talkative with us unlike before and seems to be hiding things.

A few days later......

My mind:Our manager called us in to the meeting room I wonder what for.
As we all entered and bowed to our manager and the other workers in the meeting room I couldn't help but see nervousness in our managers eyes and sadness. I right here and now I could tell something is wrong.

CEO: Well let's get this meeting started, we are talking about you as a group NU'EST. We have realised the number of people watching is going down and many people are commenting about Aurora's weight. Do you want to say it Nick or should I.

I looked to our manager in curiosity of what he or the CEO was going to tell us. But our manger stayed silent and did not utter a word.

CEO: I guess I will say it then. Aurora you are going to be taking a break from the group and moving to America and we will inform you when you can return.

I felt like my heart rate stopped.
I felt like this was a dream no a nightmare. I kept telling myself this is just a nightmare Aurora wake up.... but it wasn't it was reality hitting me like a brick in the face.

The Boy's POV
When we all heard the CEO say that Aurora is taking a break from our group I felt heart broken and annoyed that we were not told anything about this and that they made a decision without us.

All of us had a smile when we came in but now we have all lost after hearing that news that we all wished we could change dearly..... but there was no chance of changing it as the CEO made the decision and its final.

Aurora's POV
I stood up in anger and said

" You can't do that I are apart of the group I have been in the group's albums. You have no right to decide that"
CEO: I suggest you sit down Miss Kim before you make a mistake. My decision has been made and it's final go pack your bag's you leave for the flight early in the morning.

We all stood up and walked out.... well I stormed out and didn't bother bowing to them because they right there have lost my respect towards them.
Me and the members walked to the black van and got in to drive to our dorm for me to pack my stuff. As I was sitting in the van I could feel tears falling down my cheeks and all I was thinking about is how could Pledis do this to me.

Baekho: Aurora please don't cry I hate seeing you cry you know that
Baekho then hugs me and wipes away my tears but they just kept falling. Soon the van stopped and the driver said we are at our dorm.

When we opened the door I walked slowly to my room to pack my thing's to leave tomorrow. As I was packing I heard a knock at the door I then said
"Come in"
When I turned around I saw all the other five members enter my room to help em pack and cheer me up.

The boy's POV
When we got to the dorm we saw Aurora walk slowly to her room making sure to take in her surroundings of the place she will no longer see after tomorrow.

After she went to her room we all huddled up and agreed to go help her pack and cheer her up and order her favourite food before she leaves to America.

At the same time we all knocked on the door and said
"Mimi can we come in" we then heard her on the other side of the door say "come in"

When we walked into her room we could hardly recognise this is her room because all decorations and plushies have been packed away and so have the clothes.
We all went and hugged Mimi and told her everything will be okay and then started helping her pack the rest of her stuff. Then we all left her in her room while going to order her favourite food's ' kimchi, tteokbokki and ramen'

We called her in once the food arrived and watched her favourite before we all went to bed. As the movie started to get to the end we saw Aurora fast asleep on Minhyun. Then Minhyun picked her up bridal style and took her to her room while we all followed behind.

Once we put Aurora into bed we all set our alarm for us and her to get ready for the airport.
Because we knew we had to say goodbye to Aurora as we didn't know how long she will be gone for.

To be continued.........

NU'EST 6th memberWhere stories live. Discover now