-°~Chapter 1~°-

232 6 6

Word Count: 1,336

I had the urge to write a dragon au so here, ✨The Dragon AU✨
No One's POV:

Many years ago there were many magical creatures and magic enchanted weapons. In the middle east there was a village known as dynamite doon.

This particular village wasn't amazingly huge or anything, if anything it was just right, not huge as to where you'd get lost easily or too small where everyone knew everyone's business, though the reason it is like this is unpleasant to some, this village was close to what people would call a "Dragon Hot spot" which really just means dragons visit it a lot. Nobody really knows why, since there really isn't anything there (that they know of, nobody really went there in fear of what could be there), though to deal with this they made an organisation, a job even, to make sure the dragons knew their place.

Said job/organisation, was called "The Akuma Clan." though anybody outside of this village just called them dragon hunters, they hunted and killed any type of dragon they thought to be a threat. Even extremely young dragons were killed in order to keep the peace.

In this village there lived a blond. he had a smile as bright as the sun, while his personality was just as bright and bubbly. his name was Denki Kaminari, also known as "sparky" around the village, he was a member of the Akuma organisation, he was practically born into this organisation, hell his whole family was!

He didn't mind all that much.

Said blond was currently sparing with one of his friends, a red head named Ejiro Kirishima, he wasn't a part of the organisation, but he was a royal guard for the prince. he thought what the organisation did was cruel and down right unnecessary, but they'd known each other since birth and he didn't want to lose his best friend over something he couldn't control, so even though Denki was getting closer and closer to being able to kill a real dragon they stayed friends.

"Watch out bro or I might cut off your hand!" Denki teased as he brought down his sword, which Kirishima of course blocked with his own.

"Oh please, as if! I'll be the one cutting off your nose!" Kirishima stated as a grin started to form.

"I'd like to see you try riot!" Denki yelled, but his big smile betrayed their pretentious deadly fight.

They continued on fighting while yelling insults every now and then, though they were just having fun; fun between two best friends, despite their big difference between morals, they were indeed the best of friends, Denki himself wondered sometimes how they made it work. Only sometimes though, for if he thought about it too much, he might try to get rid of Kirishima.

"Sparky!" He heard his commander and father, Hizashi, yell for him. Immediately the two straightened up, despite their obvious homosexual tendencies.

Both planted their feet on the ground firmly as their swords went back to their holsters  swiftly, one hand lay comfortably on said sword, while the other went behind their back, before they bowed there heads in respect for the general. Even if Kirishima didn't work under him, he still showed his respect despite the lack of it. he was doing this for Denki.

"You may stand," Hizashi stated happily, both did as told and stood up straighter than most of the people that are reading this are capable of.

"Is there something you need father?" Denki asked respectfully.

"Indeed, the Royals wish to see us. Kirishima, if you don't mind,  will you follow us?" Hizashi asked as he looked over at the redhead for conformation.

"Yes, sir." Kirishima quickly gave his conformation.

With that Hizashi turned around and began his walk to the Royals castle, both boys were quick to follow behind, though both wondered just what they were needed for. since they were left alone with each other that left them to ponder about it on their own.

"I wonder what we're needed for.." Denki pondered quietly to Kirishima.

"You could be called about the dragons, it is around that time," Kirishima stated.

It was true, around this time in the summer there'd be a suspicious amount of dragons coming around the place and into the forest. it always goes on for at least a few weeks before they all suddenly go away before returning next year to do the very same thing. This was the exact reason that place was known as a dragon hotspot. Though Denki very much doubted that he would be involved in it.

"Nah, I doubt they'd bring me into that, I'm only 18 and it's required that we are at least 19 before we participate in protecting, killing, or helping in any type of dragon work," Denki told him.

"Seems like you know it word for word," Kirishima stated, Denki couldn't help but hum at the statement.

"I've read it many times, it only makes sense that I'd know it well," Denki explained with a slight sigh. His mother made sure to make him read it over and over again, almost as if it was some prayer.

"If you two will kindly stop talking amongst yourselves, we are here," Hizashi intruded on their convention as he stopped, making both boys also stop in their tracks.

"Yes, sir. sorry, Sir." They both stated their apologizes as they bowed before him. they straightened up again once given the sign it was okay.

Hizashi turned back to the large doors and knocked. once the "come in" was heard, he opened opened up the door and walked in. quickly the two boys followed along, Kirishima was quick to make his way beside prince Katsuki Bakugou, the first and only son of the Bakugou's kingdom. Denki stood his spot beside his father before they both bowed, not daring to raise before told.

"You may stand now Sir Hizashi, Sir Kaminari," Queen Mitsuki stated loud and clear, and they both stood up immediately.

"Your Majesty, if I may, why is it that you needed me and my son?" Hizashi questioned, making sure not to mutter or stutter. weakness was not to be shown in front of the royal family.

"Ah yes. Kaminari step forward," Mitsuki gave her order. Denki was quick to obey.

Denki now stood in front of his father. he wasn't going to lie, he was starting to get nervous. what is it that he is needed for? Was he not good enough in his studies? Maybe he was being kicked out for sleeping with one of his roommates? Which was it??

"Sir Kaminari, this may come as a surprise, but we need you to go on a mission." Mitsuki declared. Denki didn't miss the way Kirishima seemed to frown at that.

"A mission? I thought those didn't come until I was 19 ma'am," Denki questioned, still keeping his respectful tone.

"Yes, usually that is the case, but this is rather important and we figured you'd be the best one for this specific mission," Mitsuki stated, still keeping her tone clear to hear.

"Of course, ma'am. If I may ask, what is my mission?" Denki asked, his curiosity was killing him.

She gave an audible sigh at the question. "Well, as you know, this is the dragons start of the 14 days, and we wish nothing more than to know exactly what is bringing them to our woods." she began, she seemed almost hesitant to continue, but she did nonetheless. "So, we've decided we'll send you out to the forest to find what's bringing them here while we have the chance," Mitsuki stated.

"I'm going to... What?" Denki asked shocked, not only did he look shocked, but so looked Kirishima and Katsuki.

"Indeed. you came extremely recommend by your family, now follow your father out so he can brief you on the details." Mistuki was quick to dismiss.

Even though Denki was shocked, he did as told and followed his father out of the room.

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