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Izuku POV
Me and Nate were up at Mt.Wildwood looking for rare bugs. We weren't having much luck. Just when we were about to give up. I noticed a path that went deeper into the mountain. I got Nate's attention.

"Maybe there are rarer bugs deeper in the mountain." I said, pointing to the path. Nate simply Shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess, but don't get your hopes up, Dekiru." Nate said, I smiled at him.

Hello I'm Izuku Midoriya and this is my cousin Nathaniel Adams. We're 10 years old. We live in a world where superpowers called quirks are the norm. The first quirk that was known was when a baby was born and started glowing brightly was a little over one hundred years ago. After that people all over the world started gaining different uncanny abilities. The world was in chaos.

Then people started using their quirks to help others. The people who did this were known as heroes. While others use their quirks for villainy. They were know as villains. Soon Heroes became a profession. What was thought to only be seen in comic books became reality.

The world Soon became like that of comic books. It became normal for someone to have a quirk, but...

Me, I learned at 4 years old that not all men are created equally.

"Sorry kid it's not going to happen."

"Is something wrong doctor?"

"Well Ms. Midoriya your son has two joints in his pinky toe. We have seen the same thing with others like this they all had one thing in common. That they never manifested a quirk, I'm sorry to say this but your son is quirkless."




"Did you hear they said Izuku dosen't have a quirk it's called being quirkless."

"Hey Deku! You still want to be a hero?"

"Yes! More than anythi...*explosion to the face*"

"Don't you dare try becoming a hero, you Useless Deku."

"H-hey mom can I be like h-him. *crying* D-d-do y-y-you s-still t-t-think I c-can b-be a-a-a hero l-like A-a-all Might?*tears running down my face*"

"Izu...*runs and pulls me into a hug and starts crying* I'm sorry... Izu I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I wish things were different but...."

Now 95% of the world's population has some kind of quirk, but the other 5% doesn't. Those in the 5% are know as quirkless. I'm one of the 5% without a quirk. But that won't stop me from being a hero.

My dad passed away in a villain attack when I was five. My mom had to started working two jobs and she had asked her older sister Lily. If I could stay with her, her husband Aaron, and my cousin Nathaniel during the summer months. So every summer after I was 5. I spent my summers breaks with my Aunt Lily, Uncle Aaron, and Nate in Springdale, Japan. And I look forward to it every year. But this time I'll be staying for 4½ years. Cuz my mom went overseas for a promotion in U.S.A and she said she'll return in 4 years, so I'll be sending my junior high school years at Springdale Junior High with Nate and his friends.

My cousin Nathaniel, but I just call him Nate. Nate has a telekin quirk like my mom's, but his is an S ranked Telekin quirk called Telekinesis. He can carry up to 10x his own body weight. The amount he can carry can be increased with training. The drawbacks is that if he overuses it he'll start getting a headache and a nosebleed.

He and his friends didn't care about me being quirkless. I became friends with Nate's friends too. There names are Katie, Eddie, and Bear they also have cool quirks.

The Yo-kai Hero Dekiru [MHA x Yo-kai Watch] Where stories live. Discover now