Chapter 8

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I'm back, I know I said i was going to be more consistent but life apparently isn't done with making me suffer.
Anyway, add me of Genshin if you want
Uid: 717489295
(European server)


"Here, Sara. Was that the last delivery?", Aether said, going to give to Sara the money of the payment, before he was stopped.

"Yes, it was. And please, keep the fee. It's the least i can do-"

Aether shook his head,"Sara, i can't just-"

"Aether, you can and you will",Sara pushed his hand, a gentle smile on her face,"You've been back in Mondstadt for a day and I'm already pestering you with commissions."

Aether went to argue again, but was interrupted by Sara once again, "And i'm sure i am not the only one."

Aether scratched his cheek, a grimance on his face, "Yeah, there has been, uh... a couple of other people."

Sara giggled, "As I thought! So, please, keep it."

Aether beamed at her, simply appreciating the kind gesture, "Thank you so much Sara!"

"Oh, it's nothing- ah! Before you go-" she reached down the counter to get something, before getting back up, slamming a huge bag on top of the counter.

Aether gazed at the size of the bag, and how easily she seemed to have picked it up, "Uh- what's that?"

The girl shot him a sweet grin,"I heard you're pretty fond of the 'Sweet Madame', right?"

"Ah yes, it's on of my favorite dishes", he pointed out, still not getting where they were going with that conversation.

"Well, this-", she pointed to the bag with a theatrical gesture,"is a month worth supply of Sweet Madames."

Aether stood there, slamming his fists on the counter in excitement, wide eyes and a blinding smile on his face, "Are you serious?!"


At the girl's affirmative sound, Aether jumped excited on his spot, "Sara, you're the fucking best!"

A faint blush appeared on Sara's, but went unnoticed to Aether, the boy too caught up in ogling the bag.

"So i've been told."

The blonde stated at the bag for a couple seconds, scratching his head.

"But how am i going to take this home?", Aether said.

The bag three times his side, and although he was strong, he really didn't feel like dragging the bag all the way to his house. He could afford to be lazy every once in a while.

He turned around, looking around the area for someone he knew would be willing to help him. And luckily, he didn't have to wait long, as he eyed a familiar figure coming into view.


At Aether's call, Huffman's eyes were on him in a second, the man immediately starting to walk towards him with a little in his steps.

"Aether, what a pleasure to see you once again", he said, with an impeccably cordial bow, though the excitement in voice could still be clearly heard.

"Aw, thank you! I missed you too!"

Huffman's cheeks visibly reddened at the way Aether was smiling at him, but he dismissed it, awkwardly coughing before straightening up again.

"Did you need something?"

"Ah yes, i hate to bother for something so dumb, but could you please bring this bag back to my place? I-"


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