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After the fight of three deities Mika are still silent even in the meeting.

The toman attend to the Rena's funeral.
Mika .Mika went to rena's hill. mika is still not crying and she doesn't know why. she is with her sister emma and she doesn't want to see her sister become like this. and emma feels what mika is feeling. mika is just looking at the photo by rena who was smiling everyone who loved rena was crying except Mika and everyone noticed it including toman especially mikey. "Mika ....." Mikey said but mika didn't answer she was just looking at Rena's photo. Her eyes were emotionless, and his twin was worried especially emma.

After that. They got home and Mika still not talking .  When they got home
Mika suddenly go to the guest room, she don't want to go in thier room and she locked the door without eating dinner that made Mikey and Emma worried. Mikey knocking in the door where Mika is " Mika..Can you just eat something!" Mikey shout while knocking the door " Brother.... don't bother her for now..." Emma said in sad voice the they walk towards to living room then they saw izana and grandpa " How's Mika?" Grandpa asked " she don't want to eat..." Emma said in sad voice " just give her some space..." Izana said " yeah...." Mikey said



Mika are still not coming out in the guest room that made everyone worried. They call her many times but Mika are still silent. takemitchi and Chifuyu decided to visit Mika

" Oh.. takemitchi..." Emma said " why'd both of you are here..?" Emma asked " just visit Mika.." takemitchi said " Mikey.... your friends are here..!!" Emma shout then she opened the door widely to welcome them
" Get inside.." Emma said

" how's Mika...?" Takemitchi asked " well she's not good... she's locking herself in the guest room...and I'm worried about her.." Emma said while preparing the juice
"I see..." Chifuyu and Takemitchi said
" This is my first time to see her like this takemitchi.... Chifuyu.." Emma said in sad voice " me too..." Takemitchi said while Chifuyu are listening " Mika is just a bright child...she always there for everyone...and I know that....she can feel the pain too.." Emma said then she decided to tell them a story about Mika and her. " Mika are always there for me when I start to live here. She's always make sure that I'm happy.and she knows me when I'm lying. She teach me all she knows, she always keeping to smile, and she always acting so childish with her twin,but when it comes to the problems she's so serious. And I'm so glad and happy to have a sister like her. She never push me away, I thought when I live here they will hate me, but I see how they love me, she made feel that I'm not alone and someone will be there for me and that's My siblings.
And Mika and Mikey are there for me when Our older brother leave Japan. But Mika was there for me when Mikey are busy even she's busy she's always making sure that I'm still happy, that's why when I become teenager I told her that I will take care of her too.she always said yes and smiling to me.she almost argue with Mikey because
I almost got hurt cause of his stupidness.
When she almost died in front of me...I feel my heart so heavy when I saw her head are bleeding to much.....but now I'm worried about her....I don't want to see her eyes so empty, and I know Mikey and Izana feel that please takemitchi.. her..." Emma said while sobbing " don't worry...we don't want too see her eyes like that too.." Chifuyu said . They didn't know Mika heard them but still Listening. So she decided to show up." Takemitchi.... Chifuyu..." Mika said while staring at them.
Chifuyu and Takemitchi also Emma flinched when they heard her " Mika!!??" They said
They can see how pale Mika is, they can see her eyes are still not shining." Emma...." Mika said " Mika...!" Emma shout the she suddenly hugged Mika but Mika just patted her head " you need to eat!! You didn't eat 3 days ago !!! I'm so worried about you!!!...!!" Emma shout while preparing the food " I'm so sorry Sister...." Mika said " where's Mikey and Izana?" Mika asked " they go outside the house.....but I didn't know what are they doing..." Emma said  " I see...." Mika said while eating " Takemitchi... Chifuyu..what are you doing here....?" Mika asked in emotionless tone " To visit you...." Chifuyu said " Takemitchi if you need to say something to can tell that later...I will lost my appetite..." Mika said while eating " o....okay...." Takemitchi said

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