Human Psychology - Problems of modern society

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How to inform the patient on the right path.

It is difficult to declare someone crazy just because the environment does notunderstand him is meaningless and unethical. We must keep in mind that every problem can be solved if approached from the side, of course the influence of thefamily is very important, because it must be a pillar that will always stand in thewind in turbulent times and be the stone that will not be given to the pillar of time.Because apart from talking, drugs help at some stage, but if you convince the patient that the drug helps, then you are wrong, because it is not dealing with the problem, because the drug may kill and suppress all bad things in a person and thenit is a danger to yourself and your environment. You have to be wise, convince the patient that he is not guilty, repeat and if he attacks you and says you know nothingabout his life, just say that he is not guilty, you have to kill the pillar of guilt because in childhood evil was inflicted on him by others stumbles to protecthimself in his world, he kills himself protectively, because if a person approacheshim for help, he will be violent, because the environment assured him that he is notequal to the society in which he is and that he will never be part of the community because of diversity or mental problems.

Is it difficult for someone to admit that he has a problem, of course, in manysessions you will see that the patient thinks that his problem is not difficult, that hethinks that he is not sick and then when the family gives up on him he still refusesto cooperate and stays. to his world. If there is no problem, destroying yourselfdestroys others, in order for someone to talk openly with you about this problem,you must have patience as a psychologist. It is difficult to explain to someone thathe still needs to be sent for observation to see how far the stage of the disease hasreached, because patients are always right. As a result, you have suicides, divorces, peer violence and events.People who fall into depression should not be treated with medication, but with conversation. Convince him or her that there is a solution, and even with the patientyou have to become friends, convince him to go for a walk with you, to see thateverything around him is not over, that a new day full of hope is always born buthope should not be killed.There have been cases where a person of genius, writer, mathematician, etc.sometimes hides behind a mental problem, where you discover his qualitiesthrough conversation and meetings, which he or she did not know they possessed.

No, never, just talk, patience and gradually clearing the gray clouds. Because thesun always finds its way, but help is moderate without exaggeration. If you want tohelp someone, don't press him or make him fit you, we are all different and ofcourse we are not perfect. The only thing that is in galleries and museums is perfect. One must stop judging others because you did not walk in that person's shoes, nor were you there in his moments of loneliness, and here you find thesource of condemnation because it is in our nature that we are all smart.If I can't help, I won't be there like a peg that will jump out and bother me, but Iwant to help and listen. You have to be the one who will give hope even when it isgone. And what is hope, in what forms does it exist, is hope equal for everyone,and how strong is hope and how much is something really worth healing. Look at people who have a family, it should be a port of hope, but it is often also acondemnation, because people through you want everything you failed to succeedto succeed. It is the pressure of deprivation of liberty, mental abuse, because a person who tries to meet the needs imposed on him by his family often fails to fallinto depression, and the disease because he failed to resist the pressure andsometimes you have to find the strength to withstand the pressure


Conversation is a cure, and sometimes it can be unpleasant because there is aconflict. As a person who wants to help you, take a deep breath and let blackthoughts and destructive words not stop, because the only way to cure is aconversation in which a problem arises. What are the problems, there are many ofthem, some are real, some may not be too important because everything can besolved. Conversation is a way of overcoming problems, of course they will notdisappear overnight. Persistence is an important trait for confronting a problem, ifyou tell someone through a conversation that he is guilty and then you must beguilty, the factors are two people but as long as one side refuses to have a problemit is difficult to reconcile the two. Violent behavior in ordinary conversation is onlycounterproductive and it is psychological violence, which cannot be the subject ofyour dissatisfaction with the other party.Conversation is a need to sometimes ease the burden you carry within you, but youcan rarely find someone who will at least listen to you. If he doesn't want to listento you, the doctor should be the one who will have to pay full attention to you nomatter what.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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