06: Winter Boredom = Capitola

Start from the beginning

"Alright, Capitola". Paul nodded his head from his spot.

Ophelia looked at David before she nodded her head in agreement. "I'll be outside". She said, heading out, Marko following her.

"Since when do you compromise?" Dwayne asked.

"I don't". David answered emotionlessly.

"Then why did you say it?" Dwayne questioned.

"To get her to shut up". David uncrossed his arms and headed out as well.


It was around seven when they arrived at Capitola Beach. It was pretty packed but luckily they found a spot to put the motorcycles before they walked around the area.

Ophelia was bouncing on her heels as she pointed happily to a shop nearby that had something to her interest.

That's what happened for majority of the night. Ophelia got excited and would yank Marko to come with her. Paul, sometimes would follow behind quickly while David and Dwayne trudged behind.

"A dog!" Ophelia quickly went over and asked if she could pet it. When she got a 'yes' she happily kneeled down as the dog wagged it's tail at her.

"That's the fourth dog she has seen already. She's like a child". David bluntly spoke as he crossed his arms over his chest, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, come on it's a dog". Paul went to go forward but the dog growled at Paul, making him turn back around. "Never mind".

"Why do dogs like her but not me?"  Paul questioned.

"Have you met yourself?"  Marko gave him a look.

Paul shoved Marko and then Marko shoved him back.  The two hitting each other back and forth like two children.

"Are you sure Ophelia is the child and not those two?" Dwayne asked David.

"They're all children". David mumbled with clear irritation. Sometimes he didn't know why he put up with them.

"Stop". Ophelia hissed as she shoved the two away from each other. At least she could contain some of her control. If she did it any harder they would've flown into a nearby building.

"She's strong".  Marko commented.

"Yeah.  Stronger than you".  Paul laughed.

"Why-I'm gonna-"

Marko didn't get to finish as Dwayne swatted him upside the head, as well as Doing the same thing to Paul.  The two boys hissed, holding their heads.

"Was that really necessary?"  Ophelia asked Dwayne and he just gave her a tight smile.

David went up to the two and basically told them to stop acting up.  They were literally older than they looked but acted like they were still children.

Ophelia couldn't contain her smile that was growing on her lips as she watched David lecture the two boys. It was funny seeing David act like a parent. She put her hand up to her mouth to try and hide it but it wasn't that helpful.

Ophelia heard something in one of the shops very softly. As she kept her eyes on the boys, she could still hear the sound. She decided to move away slowly and made her way to where the exact sound was coming from.

She entered the shop and moved her way through the aisles to find where the exact sound was coming from. Soon she stood in front of a radio. She found the source.

Come visit now this lovely town. Filled with great people and amazing sites to see, unlike any other town in the state. Castle Rock. The place to be. The place for vacation and most importantly the place to live.

All my bags are packed
I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

The radio sounded off before it started to play 'Leaving on a Jetplane'

Ophelia looked around a bit before she saw a few items that had Castle Rock, Oregon on them.

She opened up one that was basically a guide of places to visit and what to expect from the place.  She flipped a few more pages, her eyes scanning the pictures and words.

"Finding everything alright?"  A feminine voice startled her.

"Uh, yeah. Why exactly do you have Castle Rock in this store?" She asked the retail worker.

"Oh. Well. We advertise many different places here. Such as Hollywood, Lake Mead, and Castle Rock is one once in awhile". The retail worker explained with a smile.

Ophelia nodded, giving her a warm smile. "Thank you".

"Yeah. No worries". She nodded before walking away.

Ophelia looked back to guide she was looking at before, flipping to the next page. She went to flip again but her eyes were glued to the page.

It was of a library that was located in the middle of town. Something in the back of her mind was tugging on her but she didn't understand. She shook her head before flipping through a few more pages and then stopped when she came across an orphanage where it had a picture of the children in front of it.

Ophelia narrowed her eyes as she leaned in closer to the page, looking at a girl that seemed familiar but again she was getting that tug in the back of her head. She just kept looking at the little girl.

"You need to stop leaving"

Ophelia's head snapped over to the voice, David.

David stalked over to her and grabbed her wrist, basically dragging her figure out of the store. Not caring she still had the guide in her hand.

"Wait. David but I was looking at this". Ophelia tried to dig her heals in the ground but he was much stronger than her.

"I don't care. I've told you to stay with us, not go wonder off whenever you feel like it".

Oh, great. Now he was lecturing her like a parent.

"I'm serious". Ophelia said sternly and David stopped, turning to her. David was giving her basically a glare while she was giving him a look that was telling him to listen.

David let out a loud breath of air before letting go. "What?" He questioned and Ophelia showed him the picture, pointing to the little girl.

David was annoyed but nonetheless he grabbed the guide from her and looked at it. The annoyance was still clear in his face but soon it vanished when he knitted his eyebrows together.

"It's weird". He commented.

"What is?" Ophelia was now curious.

He looked at it for a few more seconds before looking at her. "She kinda looks like you". David told her.

Ophelia didn't know what to say. She honestly didn't know what to do and only looked at David for a moment before moving past him and walking out the door.

David watched her leave before closing the guide and read the cover. "Huh, Castle Rock. Sounds familiar", David then put it on some random shelf before walking out as well.

But, I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

**I truly am enjoying putting little bits of 'Stand by Me' things in this fanfic**

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