Chapter 1 (short srry)

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Lately, nightmare had been getting on errors nerves. He would constantly come into HIS home and bother him in specifically sexual ways. In errors case, it was sexual harassment. In nightmares case, it was a game. A game he didn't know would backfire onto him, knowing that the forced God of destruction had haphephobia and would most likely never bother to touch him. Because to error nightmare was like a fly, annoying and hard to get rid of. Unless he had caught him with his strings and killed him. But even doing that is hard since they seem to go right through him as if he were water. Error knew this had to be dealt with. But he didn't know how. 

He needed a plan.....


That's all for this chapter! Let me know down in the comments if you want me to continue this series I really enjoyed writing this first small piece

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