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'You're what?'

That wasn't the reaction you were expecting. You stand there for a moment, holding the positive test in your shaking hand and you form your words carefully in your mind. He doesn't say anything else, just watches and waits for you to answer him, surprisingly calm considering what you'd just told him.

'I'm pregnant Peña.' You state, taking a shaky breath before throwing the test at him 'See for yourself. I have another back at the motel.'

'And it's mine?'

'Yes.' You reply plainly, giving him a small nod as you watch him process the information.

'So you're telling me that you didn't fuck anyone else after I left?'

'No Javi I didn't.' You spit, angered by this question 'Was kinda busy taking down Escobar.'

'Okay.' He shrugs as he throws the test back to you 'What do you want from me? A lift to the clinic?'

'I'm keeping it, Javier.'

This grabs his attention, his head whipping up as he looks at you with a mixture of surprise and disgust.

'You're what?'

'I'm keeping it.' You reply nonchalantly 'I came here to tell you because you have a right to know. It's clear you want nothing to do with this baby and that's fine. We won't be bothering you again.'

You pocket the test and turn to leave, feeling your heart ache a little from how this conversation had gone.


You stop, but you don't turn to face him.

'Why did you leave without saying goodbye?'

His question takes you by surprise and you do then turn to face him, noting the hurt expression on his face.

'I couldn't stand the idea of saying goodbye to you.' You answer honestly, one traitorous tear slipping down your cheek 'Assumed you wouldn't care. Not like you hadn't snuck out on me in the past.'

'I did care.' He stated as you looked at the ground.

'Who knew that that last night together would leave me with a part of you permanently.' You say, a small smile crossing your lips as you rest your hand on your stomach 'I don't want anything from you Javi. I just wanted you to know about the baby in case you wanted to be a part of their life.'


'It's fine Javi really.' You interrupted 'I wasn't expecting you to be excited about it. You're not the committing type.'

He stands there speechless, watching you as you climb into your car and drive away. He feels numb. He's dreamt about the moment that you'd be reunited, your lips crashing against his and body's tangling in sweaty passion. Instead, you caught him feeding the girl he'd been fucking to distract himself from the thoughts he had of you and he let out a frustrated yell as he watched you speed down the track, dust floating in your wake.


'You partner left in a hurry.' States Chucho as he watched his son staring out the window of the truck 'What did she want?'

'To tell me she's pregnant.' Replies Javier plainly, not taking his eyes away from the window 'And the kid's mine.'

Chucho pulled over and turned his head to look at his son, taking in his dejected countenance and watery eyes.

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