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Shoutout to @thodaljab for the idea. Feel free to leave any ideas you might have in the comments and they may be added to the story :)

As soon as Ryan had come to his senses after everything that just happened, he left the bathroom to find the exit and end this nightmare. However during his mad rush to find a bathroom he realised he had completely lost his sense of direction and found that he was currently in an area that was totally unfamiliar to him. So he set off down a random hallway, praying he didn't run into anything else, each step caused his stomach to wobble, despite being emptied only a couple of minutes ago, and on top of that, the constant crinkling from the diaper made traversing the hallways bad enough, not to mention the fear of getting caught by one of those ghostlike entities who would surely only make his journey harder. Despite all this, Ryan persevered, determined to find that godforsaken exit and never return here, or that was his plan until he heard loud clicking footsteps echoing from around the corner, not wanting to be caught and put through another trialing task, Ryan slipped into the nearest door and shut it quietly behind him. Ryan waited for the footsteps to pass the door and once he was certain whoever or whatever was making those footsteps had turned another corner Ryan went to open the door, but of course, it had locked itself. Sighing in frustration he turned to see what classroom he had ended up in and froze as he realised the room was filled with a dozen or so ghostly children, none of them likely no more than five years old and a young looking, chubby woman with blonde hair and wearing a floral dress. "Ah, hello sweetie!" She greeted him, voice dripping with cheeriness, "You must be Ryan, we've saved a seat just for you!"

Of course, the fact that the woman knew his name despite not uttering it once throughout this entire journey was frightening. However he didn't have time to acknowledge this, due to be dragged and gently shoved into a chair surrounded by all of the other children. Once he had placed onto the cheap plastic chair, the teacher moved her way back up to the front and began her lesson yet for some reason, Ryan found it impossible to focus on her at all, but did somehow catch some of the words coming out of her pale mouth, "good.....dumb...little.....girls....pink.......potty......diapers......toilet". Then she stopped talking, and her and every ghostly child disappeared from the room, leaving Ryan to try and figure out what had happened. Ryan stood up from the seat with a wet squelch, Ryan gasped and lifted his short skirt to reveal the yellow stained diaper. He had wet himself, like a good girl! No, he wasn't a girl, he was a........boy? No, stupid boys don't wear skirts or big, pink diapers, so he must be a girl. Ryan looked down at the diaper once again, now feeling a sense of pride for being a good girl, yet something wasn't right. He wasn't supposed to use his diaper, he was supposed to use a........toilet? What was a toilet? Ryan scrunched up his face trying to figure out what a toilet was and yet his mind turned up blank, well, if he didn't know what a toilet was, then he obviously didn't need to use it, right?

Ryan looked around the classroom with a puzzled, yet vacant expression on his face, trying to remember what should be seemingly obvious. His name was Ryan, he was an eighteen year old girl, who used her diapers, because that's what dumb little girls like Ryan do. He came to this school as an adventure, but was now trying to escape! Ryan applauded himself for remembering everything correctly and waddled his way out of the classroom with a soaked diaper in tow. Once he reached the classroom's doorway he realised he had no idea which way he had came from, so he decided to just walk in a random direction, hoping for the best. Soon he came to another door and nearly walked past it, but it was pretty and pink, and Ryan couldn't resist going inside. To Ryan's amazement the inside of the room was just as pretty and pink as the door. There were several small, ghostly babies playing on the floor and a tall, thin, frizzy haired woman watching over them, the woman spotted Ryan at the entrance and appeared beside him. "Hello there little one, would you like to join us?" The woman greeted, kindly "No way, I'm to old for baby toys!" Ryan protested, crossing his arms. "Really, is that so, might I ask how old you are?" "Eighteen" Ryan exclaimed, puffing out his chest. The woman let out a shrill laugh "It's true!" Ryan huffed indignantly, stamping his foot on the ground. "Really?" The ghost asked in a rhetorical manner, "Well I'm sorry little one, but I just don't think that an eighteen year old would be wearing a diaper, and a soaked one at that" Ryan scrunched up his face in confusion, she was right, big girls don't use diapers, but he does, so he must not be a big girl! "I'd say that your definitely still just a little baby, not a big, bad eighteen year old, which means you would fit right in among the rest of the babies here!" Ryan felt a dumb grin form on his face as the toys and dolls strewn across the soft floor suddenly became for appealing to him.

Ryan rushed over to the play area with childlike excitement and began playing with dolls and teddies and everything else laid in front of him, but, soon Ryan felt off, something in his stomach that he could identify, so he shook it off and went back to playing, then the feeling struck again yet this time Ryan heard a loud fart, which he soon realised was being emitted from his butt, yet the fart slowly transitioned and Ryan could feel the back of his diaper filling up, he could hear the diaper crackling as it slowly expanded in all directions. Soon it had finished and Ryan had never felt a greater relief, Ryan reached his hand back to feel the exterior of his now muddy diaper, squeezing it and pushing it against his rear, letting out a girlish giggle. Ryan laid down on the floor and began wriggling as he felt his mess slowly seep to the front of his diaper, it was a heavenly experience and it felt as though it would never end, Ryan hoped it would never end but then- "Little one, do you need a change?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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