🦋Chapter 12🦋

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Y/N: What time is it Bae

Bae: 3 Pm


Y/N: Well peel off your face mask and moisturize your face again

Everyone except Y/N: YES MA'AM

Y/N:*Chuckles* I am going to go pick a movie as it is movie night

Everyone except Y/N: Ok

-After a few minutes-

The movie room:

Bao: Ooooh what movie is it

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Bao: Ooooh what movie is it

Y/N: Annie

Oliver : Yesss

Manager Ty: Oh and by the way i checked on the calendar and it said you guys have a primary school re-union prom tomorrow

Y/N: Oh I nearly forgot about it

Manager Ty: Have you all picked your outfits

Everyone except Manager Ty, Bao and Bae: Yes

Kane: Were all wearing suits

Manager Ty: What are you wearing tomorrow Y/N

Y/N: It's a surprise

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