what a suprise!

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9,999,999 subscribers shadowbros realm had, and you were there witnessing the one in a life time opportunity for it to turn to 10,000,000.
As well as millions of others. This moment felt like the highlight of your life. "WOOOOOOO" y/n screamed with their heart, always loving each video since the day they started. You were always there persistently commenting first on every video they posted, such a big fan. Eager for the day when you would finally meet them in person at a meet and greet. But honestly, you never thought it would happen.

Date: 02/08/28 Time: 10:30 Location: London

A bright summers day it was, the sun was blazing down, pigeons gobbling all the food they could see. It was the perfect day to go shopping. You got up and got dressed in your new shadowbros merch covered head to toe with it. With excitement of the brilliant day you strut like a model to go to your favourite coffee shop. You decide to order a black coffee and a sausage roll to get you started with the day. Sitting down beside the window watching people pass by, daydreaming for your bestest dreams to come true. "Wait...was that the shadowbros passing by?" Y/n questioned, blinking again and again just to make sure. You knew they lived in London yet never thought you would see them like this.

Without any hesitation you ran outside as fast as you could knowing you would never get this chance again. It was your biggest dream and you had to live it. "Oh...did they turn a corner?" Y/n noticed as the realisation that they had disappeared. The next corner you saw you went it in, it was just a bit dodgy. But you knew that they have had to of gone this way, yet you felt so much tension draw towards being here. You started to slow down getting concerned about your surroundings, yet you swear they went through here. It was starting to get even more sketchy when you peaked around another corner and it was definitely them. They seemed to be performing some sort of ritual, next thing you know it a portal appeared. Shocked by all this you waited one by one for them all to enter before entering yourself.

Date: 02/08/28 Time: 12:30 Location: ???

A huge flash of light appeared then quickly turned black. You woke up in a chair in the room where they first recorded story time videos back in the day. "Woah! I can't believe I'm here right now!" Y/n joyfully smiled. "Wait...where are the shadowbros?" Confused you start looking around trying to find an exit. "I NEED TO FIND THEM BEFORE I DIE ALONE" Y/n screamed and exiting a random door which only took them to more unknown areas. It seemed you were now walking on a path passing through so many different places that you recognised. "Hold up, wait a minute, something ain't right." Y/n concluded and realised something. "Hey...isn't this where they recorded their 100,000 subscribers video? And this! Isn't this where they recorded 'Staying in Tesco for 24 hours. Where am I?" Y/n noticed that they were passing through tons and tons of video content over the years, in wherever this place was. "Everything looks so real, but it's literally fake it's made out of cardboard. Don't tell me-"
Y/n suddenly stopped astound that right infront of them was the real shadowbros recording a video. "Wait this sign says they are making a video called 'mukbang unlimited food, first person to stop eating has to shave their head' woah that's a video I would like to see." Out of no where bald Dylan comes out of no where and screamed "WE HAVE AN INTRUDER HOW DID THEY GET IN SHADOWBROS REALM!?"

Date: 02/08/28 Time: ??? Location: Shadowbros realm

"Wait- I'm not an intruder I'm just a fan, an og fan. I have been watching your videos for ages I love you guys please sign my t-shirt!" Y/n breathed heavily finally being eye to eye of a shadowbro legend himself. Speedily all the shadowbros came and wondered how on earth did you get here.
"A fan you say? How would a fan get all the way here?!?" One shadowbro aggressively asked.
"I followed you guys in, sorry I just have been waiting for this moment for ages. So, is this the true shadowbros realm?"
Y/n questioned.
"Yes, shadowbros realm IS an actual realm." Another shadowbro said.
"Why is everything made out of cardboard though? Is it all fake? I thought it was all real! I trusted you guys as my idol JUST TO BE SOME QUICK MONEY BASTARDS" Y/n roared angrily. "I was a true fan, I spent all my money on your merch, turned the notification bell on as well, just for you guys just to be some fake idiots!"
It was silent for a split second and then they all bursted out laughing.
"Do you think we care you found out our secret?" Bald Dylan said. "Of course it's all fake! What? Are you crying? Haha we don't care about one little fan like you. We only care about making profit!"
"I suppose we have to do something about you now then since you found are tiny little secret huh."

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