Louis’ eyes grow big and he tilts his head close to Harry’s mouth, their combined scent now filling the room. Harry kisses Louis’ tempting mouth with desire. biting and sucking each other lips send them both into ecstasy.

“Now, my omega, are you ready to take me and be mine forever? We will mate and be soul bonded after I knot you. Do I have your permission, my Sweet, to do those things?”

Louis’ heart beat fast. He knows if he agrees to be mated with Harry, his father will be devastated, but all he can think about right now is Harry. He wants Harry to be his forever and he needs him more than anything. He was the only alpha he truly desires.

Louis moves his body closer to Harry.

“I want to hear your sweet 'Yes’ before we proceed,” Harry says, slowing Louis’ movement.

“Yes! Yes! Yes to mating me and Yes to knotting me. I want everything with you. Now can we do this my only?” Louis moved his hips close to Harry.

“Very eager, my Sweet, but as it's our first we will do this right. I will take care of you, okay, my sweet?” Harry pinches Louis' nose. “You’re one naughty omega, Now let’s shower together.”

Harry rests his body on top of his omega now feeling their hard lengths brushing together. Low moans escape Louis’ mouth.

Harry giggled, “You’re also my horny omega. Now take off your clothes, I wanna see you. All of you.”

Harry sat in the centre of the bed while Louis climbed out and started to undress. He slowly removed his shirt, his pink nipples, and toned abdomen now in full display. Harry's mouth dropped open as he looked on and he started drooling. He swallowed back as Louis looked to him for approval. He dared not take his eyes off the beautiful omega in front of him. Louis smelled the sudden arousal from his alpha, the smell of roses and old pine lingering in the room and decided to tease Harry even more.

Louis. stimulated his right nipple, trying to imitate the videos he usually watches during his heat. He pulls it gently, making it turn a rosy pink. He put his index finger to his mouth and wet it fully, then glides down to the nipple once more, moaning in rhythm with the strokes.

“Fuck omega, you are sending me to my grave.” Harry breathes heavily, still staring at Loui's petite figure.

Louis moves his fingers down to his pants, slowly unbuttoning them, teasing his alpha. A black, well-fitted pair of panties was now in view, displaying Louis’ greatest asset; his round and tight arse and thick thighs. As Harry drew closer, Louis shyly covers his bulging length with his left hand, but the pink tip of it remained unconcealed. Swallowing, Harry grips his wrist, pulling it away.

“Never knew you were into panties. Fuck. Please stand still for me and let me admire this view. Don’t be shy, you’re gorgeous, my Sweet. And I believe that belongs to me, so stop covering up.” Harry gazed at Louis.

Louis stands still until Harry let go of his hand and moves toward him, closing the gap between them, inhaling his scent. Louis moves his hand to his panties when Harry holds his wrist and stops him.

“Let me do the honour of removing this. I want to do it myself.” Harry slowly puts his hands on Louis’ waist, gently dipping his fingers into his panties, tracing the garter with his fingertips and slowly pulling it down, until he found himself kneeling in front of Louis’ pink thick hard length, gasping for air.

Harry then stands and starts removing his shirt, not breaking eye contact with Louis who gazes in awe as he remembers the first time he saw Harry shirtless. Heat travels through Harry’s veins, making his hands sweat as he unbuttons his pants. He slides his hand under his boxer briefs to pretend to fix his bulging length to tease the omega even further.

My alpha's sweet omegaWhere stories live. Discover now