Prologue Pt 1 Summoning

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No one's POV

Light rapidly faded away as the darkness began to swallow him. A single face twisted in terror as he stared at the vanishing light above him. He desperately shot out his hand, grasping at the light he knew he could never truly grab hold of. He felt his nether regions tense up as he fell freely through the darkness.

???: Am I still alive...?

The chasm he'd fallen into was so deep that it seemed almost as if he was falling down to the pits of hell. And the light he was staring at was the portal to the world of the living. He'd fallen down a massive tear in the earth while he'd been exploring a dungeon. The hole was so deep that he kept falling long after the tiny pinprick of light had shrunk to nothing. His entire life flashed before his eyes, with nothing but the sound of wind rushing past accompanying his plunge to the hellish depths below.

???: Is this...hell?

(10 years earlier)

Several years earlier, on a hot summer day in a residential area of Japan, the summer sun scorched the spanse of asphalt with its rays. Here, a little boy and girl were saying their tearful goodbyes to each other.

???: Don't go, Zo-kun!

The crying girl said. She clung to the boy beside a parked moving van.

Sora: Don't cry, ???-chan... We'll meet again, okay?

He added, trying to reassure the sobbing girl. His name was Sora Yatagami, and he was 7 years old at the time. Sora was about to move far away to the countryside with his family, after his father got a promotion at work and he didn't know when he'd see his childhood friend again.

???: No! I don't want you to go, Zo-kun!

The girl pleaded through her sobs. Seeing her tears made Sora want to cry too, but he couldn't. He had to be brave in front of the girl. That's why he continued to act tough, telling her that it'd be alright and that they'd see each other again. He wanted her to stop crying... even though he was frustrated and upset himself, and wanted to bawl, too.

Sora loved the girl... And the girl loved Sora. Their meeting had been a twist of fate; their parents just happened to move into the same newly built apartment building, just happened to lease rooms next to each other, just happened to have kids born in the same season of the same year. Thanks to that series of events, they somehow ended up as family friends.

???: Zo-kun, Zo-kun... Stay with me...

Sora wanted to do something to stop the girl's tears. Seeing her sad made him sad too. But the girl tears showed no signs of ceasing — she only continued to bawl, leaving Sora at a complete loss. He felt powerless. What could he do? He couldn't even prevent this farewell with his most beloved childhood friend from happening. With that thought, Sora clenched his fist.

Sora was happy simply being together with the girl, but that wasn't possible for him right now. They were still children, after all. Instead, he would make it possible one day — one day, he would be next to the girl, walking alongside her forever. That's why he had to convey his feelings to her; it was the only thing he could do in this moment.

Sora: I'll come get you when we're bigger! We'll get married!

He said, mustering all his courage to make the first and last confession of his life.

Sora: That way... we'll always be together, I'll always be beside you, and I can protect ???-chan with my life!

*Thump, thump*

He could hear his own racing heartbeat.

Sora: Is that... okay?

Sora asked with a trembling voice. The girl had stopped crying at some point, staring at Sora's face blankly instead.

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