Drasil: It doesn't matter what you do. This world and many others will be consumed and perish!!

Alien X: I won't let that happen. Our world will not be your lunch, nor will any other. We will stop you here and now!!

Alien X rushed forward and delivered a punch between Drasil's eyes, making her stumble back a bit. Ben TFK followed up with flying up to her and slashing her again with his sword making her roar in pain and rage once more. Though this time the cut from that was left from the sword quickly healed. Ben TFK taking quick notice to this.

Ben TFK: Is she...Adapting?

Drasil then quickly got close to Ben TFK and fired a close-range blast sending him flying back. She then felt another blast make contact with her back. Turning she sees that it had come from Vilgax. Roaring, Drasil then fired down another blast at him, that he quickly avoided. She was about to fire off another blast but was quickly stopped when a giant fist punched her across the face. Drasil looks over to see who did it and sees Bentely in her version of Way Big.

 Drasil looks over to see who did it and sees Bentely in her version of Way Big

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Bentely: Hands off my man!!

She threw another punch making Drasil stumble back more. She tried to connect another punch, but Drasil quickly avoided it and wrapped herself around Bentely constricting her. Bentely tried to escape, only to stop when she saw Drasil begin to charge another blast looking to blast her head off. Before she could however Alien X appeared and sent a hard compressed air wave into Drasil knocking her off Bentely. Alien X then sped over to her and delivered another punch to Drasil's face before flying back and lifting up two of his fingers, causing a pillar of energy to burst up from the ground underneath her. Drasil growled and was about to launch at Alien X but was stopped by Ben TFK speeding by in his version of Jetray and slashing Drasil all over with his sword before flying above and firing down a full power neuro shock beam down on top of her. She was then blasted by a combined beam attack from Gwen and Bentely. Drasil took these beams before letting out a loud roar that shook the planet, a thick red aura surrounded her. She rushed towards Bentely and slashed her across the face with her claws making her stumble back. She was then blasted back and once she fell to the ground she transformed back to human. She then rushed towards Gwen and shot a close-range beam straight at her knocking her down and back into human. Alien X rushed at her and tried to fire his own blast at her, only to be met with another beam from the dragon. He defended against it the best he could but seemed to be struggling against it. Small cracks began to appear over Alien X's body, while he was being pushed back by the beam. Soon Drasil stopped revealing Alien X's body to have many large cracks all over. Before he could do anything Drasil summoned another lightning strike down onto him knocking him down to the ground below before then firing a large orb of energy down onto him. The orb exploded seeming to consume him completely, and once the explosion cleared there was a giant crater with multiple rocks within it. Everyone looked on in shock and waited for Alien X to reemerge from the rocks, but he never came out.

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