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At jeju-


We're at Hotel pool area,just resting since we just arrived
It's just me and jane since my wife and jisoo are talking

I looked over jane she really have the masked side view of Jenduk,of course i know her cause we're doctors! Wait..why is she wearing a mask?



"Why don't you remove your mask?"

"A-ah..your wi-i mean,i don't want people to mistaken me as ms jennie,i don't want Mrs.Soo to have a scandal"i watched her as she played her feet on the pool,we were like sitting aside with our feets on the pool but..something caught my attention

She has a tattoo?jennie doesn't have a tattoo,jennie hates tattoos ..
It was a Crown with Letters in the center of it ' ᴊ.ᴄ.ᴍ.ᴋ '

"I didn't know that you have a tattoo"

"I just woke up with it Ms.Lisa"

"Call me Lisa,w-were friends right?"


And our random topic conversation who started earlier turns to side when she removed her mask,what's that?

"What happened to your cheeks?"

"W-what?"she was curious

I looked at the view

"Someone must have slapped and left a hand mark on your cheeks Ms.Jane"

"A-ah,a-about that it was m-"

"My wife"i cut her off,i know it was chaeyoung.I was there listening to their conversation after i excused myself since jisoo had a call from tito

"N-no of course no-"

"I saw what happened,sorry for her actions,she just misses jennie,don't forget to place ointment in it and wear a mask,you don't want Jisoo to knwo that"


"..."i didn't answer

"m-mind if i ask?"


"Can you tell me things about Ms.Jennie?"

I chuckled

"A wonderful bestfriend"

"Can you ,i mean..how did you meet?and miss jisoo"

"Ah,we all started being classmates,four of us,jisoo,chae,me and jennie.Well we met in different scenes,me and chae are girlfriends and we met jennie after jisoo punched her back in highschool,you know..Kind person stuffs,we brought her to clinic then there.Jennie are jisoo are step sistersh"

"Huh?hows that possible?sisters?to wives?"

"Let me finish it first okay?,Jisoo and jennie are step sisters,not by blood just by papers,jennie was the strict but a childish when it comed to jisoo,jisoo was a lazy ass kid who only wants to play and not to study and also,jennie is...a...SMALL woman who's a year older than me"

"Really Lisa?Small?ahh,Ms.Jennie..Mind if you Enter Ms.Lisa's Dream?she's saying thatnyou're small!"

"What?she's really small,a smart but still cute woman who made two of our close friends fall in love with her"


"Jisoo and Taehyung"

I felt someone's gaze on me,i looked over jane,she was shocked and i don't know the reason

"T-taehyung?as in Kim Taehyung?"how come she knows him?

"Yea,you know him?"

"Of course"i looked at her again,she was Smiling.that gummy smile.you really are like her replica

"He's my husband"


"WHAT!?"i almost yelled

"Yeah,he's the reason why i started working,you're my friend right?"

"Y-yeah o-of course"

"We're living In Australia back then,he doesn't let me work,he's letting me go out but,i'm always surrounded with guards,he has a bestfriend,his name is cooKie,or Jungkook.Kookie's like,Taeh's brother.But taehyung got sick and got into a coma,taeh'd the only one who's working,we're all working,we don't wanna get hungry right?,Yeji.She was there since i woke up,well we met because of her cousin"

"Ma'am! Stay still please,you're not allowed to go out.You might faint anytime"

"I can manage Mr. there's so many people here"

"Let me help you then ma'am"

"I wonder where's my relatives,do i have a family?"

"I can't answer that Ms..as far as i know,you're Jane Hwang and married to my friend,I'm...   Kim Seokjin By the way,also a korean!"

"I'm korean?wait,what's? Korean?"

"Oppa!"another voice came in

"Ah! Yeji!"

"Who's that?"

"Yeji,this is Jen-Jane Hwang,j-jane this is Yeji"

"Hwang Yeji! We have the same lastname! Hope we get along"

"I'm J-jane,i-im sorry have we met before?"

"I don't think so Ms.Jane,it's my first time here in Melbourne since i need to visit my silly cousin"

"A-ah really?"


"I really don't remember anything"

"But you're good in korean language?"

"Of course she taught me"she answered

"A-ah,okay Any hobbies jane?i mean..do you watch any movies?"i asked

"Korean Drama!,i always watch Bae Joohyun's Dramas! She's so good with it! I always wanted tovmeet and ask for her Sign though"

"You want to meet her?soon then.if we have ti-"i was cut of when my phone rang,it was dad

"Excuse me Jane,please wear your mask,don't go anywhere or not until chae and jisoo arrive,i'lk just take this call from my dad"

"Take your time Ms.Lisa"

"Yes dad?"

"Jane Hwang..."

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