Moving to England

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Nearly ten years have passed since the Wyllts have found out about their son's fate and there wasn't much of a difference in the house. The sun rose on a child's bedroom window. That child was Y/N Wyllt, the Prince of Enchanting. It was around 7:30 a.m. when the child woke up, he quickly got up, thinking he was late for school and was annoyed that his alarm clock didn't wake him up like it usually did. But when he checked his calendar, he realized it was June 16, the start of his school holidays. But with the amount of racket that the child caused, it certainly gained the attention of his already awake mother and father.

"What is he doing up there, causing such a racket?!" M/N scowled in an angry way, which earned a laugh from her husband, much to her embarrassment.

Once the child finally got out the clothes he chose for what he thought was a school day, he simply fixed his pyjamas and went down the stairs for breakfast. He went into the kitchen and sat down quietly at the table. His mother had a look of annoyance at her son's messy hair and went rambling on the importance of looking presentable.

After a long breakfast full of laughter, Y/N went to see his father off for work. His mother grabbed the pot of Floo Powder and, as always, his father smiles before taking a handful and yelling, "MACUSA!"


To make a long story short, Y/N's school holidays were full of laughter. All was well until the fateful day of July 31, his 11th birthday. Most people would be celebrating but no, it was midnight. Y/N was packing the last of his things for Hogwarts and England. His parents were at the kitchen, drinking coffee and sharing uneasy glances at each other and everywhere in the house. He has to appear soon, right?

Y/N brought his heavy trunk downstairs where he met his parents. He dropped the trunk and ran up to hug them, tears nearly escaping his eyes. His mother immediately hugged back and tears ran down her face. His father stood there not saying anything.

Then, the man appeared out of thin air. F/N and M/N didn't seem bothered by it, they just continued having a sad face. Y/N, on the other hand, nearly jumped out of shock. The man was Albus Dumbledore. He had a look of sympathy for his former students watching their son head off to Hogwarts.

"Are you ready, Y/N?" Albus asked calmly. Y/N looked back to both of his parents and hugged them tightly once more. He stepped back and both of his parents had something to say.

"We will miss you, honey, don't worry about what house you get in. And don't cause any trouble." She said the last sentence with a stern look, but her face softened and she hugged Y/N for the last time.

"Alright little man, about to head to Hogwarts. Gonna be gone from us for seven years." He laughed that part off, but Y/N knew his father didn't want this. "Anyways, don't get into trouble but have fun." With that, he ruffled up his son's hair and pushed him to his former Headmaster.

"Bye mum and dad, see you after Hogwarts," Y/N said, grabbing his fallen trunk and waving to them before approaching the old man.

Albus smiled at the boy and his parents. He grabbed Y/N's hand and they apparated to Diagon Alley. Y/N nearly toppled over since he wasn't used to the apparition. His head was spinning and he had to hold a wall for support.

After Y/N recovered, he noticed the Headmaster was already walking to the Leaky Cauldron, the place he will stay until he finishes Hogwarts. He quickly grabbed his heavy trunk and ran after the Headmaster. While doing so, Y/N observed the closed shops, he was going to have to get used to the environment.

They reached the inside of the Leaky Cauldron and it was empty. The bartender, Tom, was wiping the tables when the two men stepped in. He greeted Albus and Y/N with his toothy grin. Albus was going to explain the situation but Tom simply raised a hand, telling him to stop.

"I dealt with his father, he can use that room. Heck, we reserved that room for this very occasion. Here's the key, ninth floor and door 34, won't miss it." He says proudly and hands the key to Y/N, who gladly took it. When Y/N realised he had to climb to the ninth floor WITH his heavy trunk, he seemed devastated and tired, especially it being the dead of the night. Tom seemed to notice this and grabbed the trunk from Y/N and showed him his room.

The climb was tiring, and it was a relief when they reached their destination. Y/N used his key to unlock the room, inside was not huge, but it wasn't small either. It was the size of the room in his house so he was glad about that. He noticed that Tom had already left and Y/N kicked off his shoes, picked the trunk that Tom left outside and placed it in a corner before laying on the bed. He stared at the ceiling and thought about what would happen tomorrow, and the day after that, and everything after that. He turned over and realised it was around one in the morning so he turned over and shut his eyes. He realised he didn't even get out of his clothes but he felt lazy to get up and change so he left himself like that. He eventually shut his eyes and fell asleep.


Y/N woke up but he wasn't in the Leaky Cauldron anymore. He seemed to be in an endless void. Then he saw a light not too far in the distance, he didn't trust it at first but he saw that it was speeding off and he didn't want to be left alone so he followed it until he reached a wooden door. He tried to open it but it wasn't possible, he heard a low growl inside the door but it seemed to come from not one, two but three animals. He started using his body to hit against the door, hoping he could open it by force but it still didn't work. He was thinking of another plan when he saw he was falling back into his bedroom.


Y/N woke up from his dream, sweat dripping on his face. He noticed his arm felt sore, most likely because he used his body against the wooden door. He decided not to think about the dream and went back to sleep.

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