Girl: Sort of. Yeah, I think I do.

Me: Welcome to the club then.

Girl: Cheers to that!

The girl took her drink and drank it straight. She gestured to the bar tender for another glass.

Me: alcohol won't make you forget.

She looked at me then we both laughed.

Girl: Haven't seen you here before.

Me: Do you go here everyday?

The girl pretended to be hurt.

Girl: oooh. Well, I might be starting today.

Me: I don't think that's a good idea.

Girl: Why not?

Me: from the rate of your drinking, you'd be broke soon.

Girl: You got a point. Every other day then.

I shook my head and drank the remains of my iced tea. The girl gestured at the bar tender to refill my glass.

Me: Thanks.

We talked some more until we barely hear each other anymore.

Girl: Let's go to the VIP, my best friend is there with her new apple of the eye.

Me: Oh we already had a room there with my best friend too.

Girl: Let's go then.

We need to go through the dance floor to reach the VIP area.

We're halfway through the dance floor when the music changed. The girl stops then turned to face me and danced to the song. I laughed at her. And so we danced. After the song she gestured towards the VIP. When we reached the end of the dance floor, she said.

Girl: Sorry, that's my 'automatic dance song' can't help but dance to it whenever that song plays.

Me: That's okay. It was fun. It's been a while since I danced like that.

We went upstairs.

Girl: I'm Somi, you?

Me: Chaeyoung.

Somi gave me her widest smile while offering her hand. I took it and she shake it enthusiastically.

We then heard someone called Somi. We faced her and saw it was Emma. So Somi was the best friend Emma was talking about.

Emma: I see you two have met already.

Somi: You know her.

Emma: Yeah she's Mark's best friend. Come meet him.

She drag Somi towards our room. We spend the night talking and them drinking.

Somi was something. She's loud and cheery. She always have something to talk about. She's straight forward too and seems so carefree that she will do everything she wants to do.

I didn't noticed the time until Mark glanced at his watch. It was 3am already. Good conversation makes time goes by so fast.

We all said our goodbyes.

Somi: Your phone?

I looked at her wondering why she's asking for my phone. After typing in my password I gave it to her. She typed in something then handed it back to me.

Somi: If you want to be annoyed, just ring me up.

She said before entering her car. Good thing she had a driver to drop her off safely.

I drove this time.

Mark: Somi's a beauty right.

Me: Don't start on me Mark. I knew this will come.

Mark: what? I just want my best friend to get back into the game. I saw she gave you her number.

I nodded.

Mark: and?

Me: and what?

Mark: What did she said?

Me: she just said if I want to be annoyed just ring her up.

Mark: Ooh more like she's lowkey asking to see you again there huh.

Me: I know what you're thinking. Just drop it Mark.

Mark: Okay. Okay. But man, she's definitely a sight to look at. Though she's not my type but she's fine as hell. You sure don't want to give it a try? Someone might.

He's right she really is.

Me: It's too soon for that. Maybe friendship.

Mark: Yeah. Everything starts there. Hahaha

I'm not ready yet, or should I say my heart is not ready yet.

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