36. Little Argument

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I get in the room and glare at Vedant while he looks at me in surprise, "You think my brother is boring?"

"How much did you hear, dear?" Vedant asks.

"Everything." I say.

"You were eavesdropping?" He asks, shocked.

"Yes. I knew something was off with you from yesterday. But I didn't know you would be so callous about this proposal. You are seriously forcing your decision on Mayra." I say.

"I am doing no such thing. I was just stating some facts. You heard them. Tell me if I am not right." Vedant says.

"Oh, some of them were. But only some." I say.

"If you are upset about the fact I called your brother boring, then it is a fact, too. I have never heard him talk much. He is so..." He says and stops.

"Blank faced, sullen, too practical and responsible. If you are forgetting, he is the oldest. He looked after us his whole life with no complaints. Then, before he knew it, he had to take care of his wife and now his son. And please don't tell me, Vedant, that you think Shaurya Bhai's wife left him because he was boring. Bhai was way too interesting before he got married. But then everything changed in his life. He changed." I say as I remember how my once smiling brother has changed to something like what he has become today. He smiles now too, but the bright look he used to have is gone now.

"I am sorry for judging him like that. But think it like this, you are Shaurya's sister, so it would bias you towards him just as I am biased towards my sister. Shaurya is a good person. I am not saying he isn't, but I don't like Mayra to-" He says, but I finish his sentence.

"Spoil her life, I guess. Well, it is her decision. You and I are no one to influence her. Do you know what Mami told me before she sent me this proposal? She told me to tell Mayra that she should make a decision, whichever she likes. And she warned me against involving Veer in it, so her decision won't get affected. And I was not being baised. I love Mayra and I think about her well-being just as much as anyone else in this family. Yes, the thought of Mayra becoming Veer's mother entered my mind before anyone else, but I kept my silence because I knew Mayra should not sacrifice her life just like that." I say.

"Hey, guys. You both should not argue because of this." Mayra says and I look at her to see that she is upset with our argument.

"You are right, Mayra. We should not argue about this, Arya. Just let it be." Vedant says.

"You were the one who started it." I say when I feel like he is accusing me of doing this.

"Me? No, I wasn't the one." He says.

"Really? You are saying when I came in here and you were not the one who spoke." I say.

"No." He says.

"Look who's arguing now. First you insult my family, then you start an argument with me, then you make me feel like I did that and on top of that, you are denying it. You are too much, Vedant. I will not talk till you realise your mistakes." I say while Vedant gapes at me and I leave.

"But-" Vedant says.

"Nope. I am not hearing anything from you." I say.

"But listen to me." He says as he follows me.

"I said no. Stop right there. I am furious right now, Vedant. Don't you dare follow me? If you enter the kitchen also, I will throw something at you." I say and tuck in the saree's pallu at my waist and walk away as I feel steam coming out of me.

I chop off some ‌vegetables myself and think about what Vedant said. I did not expect that from Vedant of all the people. How much does he even know about my family? And even if he doesn't know much, he should still respect them like I respect his family. I mean my family.

I know now that he has freedom to accept his sisters. He is showing his emotions more towards them and even concerns. It was his concern towards Mayra's future that made him talk like that. But he should be a little conscious towards me.

And for that reason, he was giving me the cold shoulder last night. I will show him what cold should actually mean. I am biased, right? Well, now he will see what bias actually means. What else he said? Yes, my brother is boring. Only if he had seen my brother playing basketball, he would know how enthusiastic and energetic he could be. If only Vedant had seen him with Veer, he would know such a fun father he is.

"It looks like you murdered someone." Mayra's sweet voice says, and I see her looking over my shoulder.

I look down to see I have chopped Palak so much that I won't need a grinder anymore. I sat it aside and took out some onions and tomatoes and asked Mayra, "Did you need anything?"

"Yes." She says.

"What?" I ask and look at her.

"Your angelic smile. Please." She says with a cute pout.

"My smile is not angelic." I say, waving her compliment away as I start chopping.

"Didn't you say once my voice is so sweet? It is like angels are speaking. Right?" She asks.

"Yes." I say.

"So just as my voice could be angelic to you, the same way your smile could be angelic to me. So please smile." She says with a cute pout.

"Here." I say and look up with a smile, which is genuine.

"Why are you crying?" She asks.

"Well, I am chopping onions. What can you expect?" I ask.

"I have to get out, otherwise I would be a mess right now. I can handle anything in life except onions." She says and turns to leave.

"But why?" I ask.

"I am allergic to them." She says, stopping at the entrance.

"Aren't we all?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Yeah. But I am super one. Oh, my god! It has already affected me. Now I have to wash my eyes and face ten times, then only I will be fine." Mayra says and rushes out, holding her face and I shake my head as I laugh.

Looks like someone is more sensitive to onions. After the vegetables are chopped, I ask Vimi to make sure everything is ready for lunch. I go to my room and pack an overnight bag. This should teach my hubby a lesson. That he should say nothing wrong about his wife's family.

First Wife, First Love.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum