𝟎𝟏𝟐 | 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐞

Mulai dari awal

you clear your throat "we don't talk about momo's father"


meanwhile, at momo's residence, the rest of the girls were helping her get ready.

toru and tsu admire the girl as she finished her makeup, "you look great, yaomomo-chan—ribbit"

"you think so?"

"yeah! seriously—you look like a princess, as always yaomomo!" toru reassured

momo smiles, "thank you" she takes a deep breath, "well. . ."

"it's time."

[. . .]

the entire car ride was almost too much to bear for momo—she was far too excited to handle just thirty minutes.

and it's not even like you wouldn't see each other until she got to the restaurant—she was picking you up, but she was just far too overwhelmed with joy; she's going a real date with you, of course it'd be impossible for her to keep calm.

"madam," her chauffeur turns to her, "we're here"

momo's level of excitement raises. . .somehow, and she incoherently thanks the woman before getting out of the car, not giving the woman a chance to open the door for her.

she ran up to the door of the apartment building, ringing the buzzer at least fifteen times within the next ten seconds.

"i heard it the first time, momo" it's her voice, "i'm coming, alright?"

momo was practically bouncing off the walls as she waited to see you through the glass doors.

when suddenly, "hey" there's a hand on her shoulder,

momo turns around to find you, all dressed up.

she lets out a sigh, "i didn't see you coming?"
"i saw you waiting down here and i wanted to surprise you, so i took the fire escape"

the woman couldn't help but zone out a little as you talked.

it never ceased to amaze her; how beautiful you are


". . .i wanted to surprise you, so i took the fire escape. . ." you look away; as you do this, you couldn't help but notice the intense staring she was engaging in

did you look bad or something? that's probably not it but. . .anxiety. . .

it took everything in you to finally meet her gaze, and at that moment she seemed to snap back—as if she was daydreaming, or something.

momo smiles at you, and extends her hand, "shall we go?"

you smile back, taking her hand,


[. . .]

"we're here" the chauffeur handily lets you know, as the car comes to a stop,

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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❝𝐌𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋❞ | y. momo x reader | bwawTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang