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Romance was not an unknown concept to Chongyun, due to all the love letters that he received in his locker throughout his two years in highschool. He hadn't really understood what it meant to like someone, however there was one thing he did understand though. As long as someone loved him, he would be fine with loving him. Whenever someone asked him about a partner, he would just shrug and say the exact words, "If someone likes me enough to say it to my face and prove it to me, I'll fall in love with them some day." He was never approached though (due to his intimidating nature), allowing him to be a date-virgin. A date-virgin not only didn't know how to romance someone else but also didn't know how to deal with his own feelings. Being on the gifting end of the romance was utter nonsense to him. How did feelings for someone even occur? Even so, how could he like his best friend? His best friend out of all people...

"Chongy boy, the bell has rung, wake up," Yanfei shook his shoulders. He looked up to see that iconic obdurate smirk that was on her face whenever she got something right. Chongyun bit down the insult that was on the tip of his tongue and bowed to her before running to class.

"That boy, he definitely likes prez," Yanfei chuckled, cracking her fingers, ready to sail her ship. Standing up, she swung her arms along the side of her, radiating a bouncy energy, not caring that she may miss or be late to her class. She continued to bounce up the stairs before aggressively sliding open the door. She looked into the room to see that Xingqiu was not on a chair but rather in a fetal position in the corner of the room. Yanfei sighed. Dragging him onto the chair and pushing his fringe up she could clearly see the red in his eyes.

"Hey, Xingqiu," He didn't look at her.

"How are you feeling?" No movement.

"Here have some water," Still nothing.

"I just came back from speaking with Chong-" His eyes darted up, looking at Yanfei. She smirked before wiping it off her face. It wasn't the time to be smug, Yanfei thought. "He's just thinking things over, go talk to him sometime,"

There were a few seconds of silence. Then Xingqiu mumbled something. Seeing as Yanfei didn't hear him, he repeated it louder. "Does he hate me?"

"Of course he doesn't ha-" And for the uncountable time today, Yanfei was interrupted.

"But he told me not to touch him! He has never done that. Sure we have had fights but not this..not this bad. Does he hate me because he figured out that I liked him? Am I disgusting?" He was shaking into Yanfei's arms, uncontrollably in fact. He must hate me for something, I should avoid him so he will be happier, he thought. This was incredibly wrong.

"Hey, he's just a little upset. It isn't your fault. And you are not disgusting" Yanfei comforted. Or tried to, as none of those words were being processed by the shivering president. Yanfei sighed, giving up and simply rubbing his back the rest of the hour.


Chongyun tapped the table incessantly, impatient for the bell to ring to see if Xingqiu came to the second period. And he did.

The classroom door slid open as The dark blue haired man stepped into the classroom. He smiled. Chongyun recognised that perfectly practised, however fake smile. He also noticed the hint of red in Xingqiu's eyes.

"Hi everyone, sorry about first period. Ayaka must have told you that I had council work. If it's possible, could I borrow someone's notes?"

Chongyun raised his hand, however Xingqiu's eyes swooped past him, to a girl sitting at the front. He kneeled down before taking a picture of the page with his phone and going to sit down in his seat. Not once did he look at Chongyun.

Did that really happen, Chongyun thought. Did it? I couldn't have. He would figure this out after class.

"Hey Xingqiu-" He started, however he was already dashing out of his seat by the time the bell had rang. Chongyun looked out into the hallway. Where did he disappear to?

At lunch, a similar situation occurred.

"Hi Xiangling, Xinyan and Xing-" He couldn't even finish his sentence before Xingqiu had excused himself. Sighing, Chongyun sat himself down with his food tray. "Is he avoiding me?" He asked the two girls, looking for some insight. Internally he was hoping the answer was no.



Ouch, well that hurt. Chongyun sighed. What did he do to deserve the silent treatment. One that had never been used on him before. Finishing his food in slow bites, he put his tray back before entering the classroom and slouching into his chair. He was already there. Seated elegantly in his chair, nose in a book with the words, Young and Hopelessly Smitten How could he read such a book openly? Well one thing that Chongyun knew was that Xingqiu would read anything, and would re-read them multiple times. He did remember when Xingqiu sat, and read the book aloud to him. Oh how did he wish to hear that mellifluous voice directed to him yet again, and it had only been less than a day since he spoke to him. He watched as those elegant hands flipped the pages of the book. He was impatient to hear it again. And when he was impatient, he was determined. Only another two hours, until school finished. Only two hours until he would hear him speak again. 


Note: I am back but idk about my future schedules. anyways this has not been edited so we die like siggybae

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