Liyue III: A Brief Respite

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    A quick author Note though: the Inazuma chap will be released shortly after 2.6, imma play the ever living crap outta Genshin to learn Ayato's personality (and I'm saving rn to get him as well). The OC is a Cryo using lass whose alcoholism may be chronic but that ass is iconic, honestly you could buy her with booze. Kk I'm done, carry on

     I'm not sure what I expected when Baizhu told me about Qince Village. There are so many fields of flowers and crops, but there's also a hill full of ruined houses and another small mountain to the north. One thing was right, the bulk of the population are old folk and children.

    The day was spent with me on child duty, entertaining the kids with my foreigner charm. One grabbed my hand and now my name is BurbleBee, I hate it but I don't have the heart to show it. The kids made me chase them around, but halfway into the day it started to rain buckets. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

    The wind picked up to an alarming strength, everyone decided it would be best to stay in the northwest side of the village, where any damage would be minimal and flooding wouldn't reach them. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the clouds, what colour would the lightning be? Would The Shogun really come this far over one deserter?

    "Zane, you needn't worry, lightning never strikes twice, right?" Baizhu put a hand to my shoulder as the storm grew more intense.

     "Where I'm from, Lightning doesn't always go away." I saw a shape in the clouds, a figure which flew about. Then another collided with it in a crack of thunder so mighty I thought I felt my heart stop.

      I summoned my weapon for the first time since leaving Inazuma, a glaive where the blade can rotate into a farmers scythe. Haiku's weapon.

      "What are you doing?" Baizhu questioned.

      "Staying prepared, do any large, rare monsters live around here?"

       "There is a lochfolk in the lake just east of here, but she has only ever protected Qingce."

        "I think something is trying to get rid of her. I'm going to go take a look-"

       Baizhu stopped me as I was about to leave, "Lochfolk are not ones whose business you can just stick your nose into. Especially if you've never even met before."

       "Do you know her?"

       "Of course not."

     I rolled my eyes, "then stay, I don't intend on getting involved, but I need to know if what's happening is going to be a future problem."

     "Fine, but in the meantime I'm going to try and evacuate the villagers. If there's a turf war between Lochfolk, I don't want any of these people getting hurt."

      "Good idea, would those ruins work?"

      "Not ideal, but maybe. I'm only one man, hurry back in case we run into monsters at the stone ruins." He didn't look happy about the arrangement, but thankfully he's quick to realize I'm one stubborn bitch.

      My body didn't like the workout of leaping from place to place after not doing so for such a long while. I slipped a few times, landed on my back once, but then a wave of something that felt like adrenaline and anxiety let me keep going. Is that me, or my vision?

     When I reached a point just below the shapes in the clouds there was a deep recess of land filled with water and surrounded by waterfalls and elemental energy. I've never seen such raw energy with my own eyes before. Some of the rain collected into the form of a crane, yelling at me.

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